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Woodstock's Posts

Re: NR: Update on the TSX

Tyhee must be very confident going forward with this project. They are pledging the assets of Tyhee NWT for security.
If something goes wrong the shares go...poof!

As I stated before, if they can pull this off it could work out well for the company and shareholders by next year. If not, easy come, easy go. Only time will tell

over 10 years ago
Re: Volume vs price

Baires, if they can pull this off, the answer will become apparent.

over 10 years ago
Volume vs price

Since the news we have seen above average daily volume but a continued deterioration in price. Obviously some have thrown in the towel while others believe otherwise. If we see a further drop and the volume stays high, only the strong hands, the optimistic, the foolish or the bottom feeders will be left. Mar 15 can't come too soon to enlighten us on the next phase, good or bad.

over 10 years ago

Still needs shareholder approval and funding. Not likely to give any boost to the share price until it closes and they have a full quarter of production under their belt. If this stretches into September, 50 million warrants will expire. Less dilution at $0.125.

If they pull this off, there will be revenue, although there are expenses which will consume most of it. I don't expect much in calendar year 2014 but 2015 could prove interesting. It would build from there.

All depends upon the POG and POS in 2015.

over 10 years ago

The strategy is to mkt their in house team to a funding source (share dilution) who will finance a merger with a struggling producer. They will then be able to bring income in to the new entity while Tyhee goes through the EA and Permitting. If the Tyhee team can add real value to the merger in resources and expertise it may work. Of course the dilution factor is at play. Could be substantial. A consolidation of shares to allow for a higher share price could be warranted if they can pull this off.................................
I have seen this work in the dental profession. A young grad starts a practice in a new city. He is barely making the rent. His potential is not even close to what he is delivering. Wasting time sitting around. He buys an aging dental practice from an older retiring dentist who sends most specialty procedures out of the office. The value of this practice is low. The new ambitious grad borrows to buy the old practice and moves it into his office. He now has an instant roster to work on and benefits by not sending out procedures he can do. His income is magnified and voila, he is back in business and paying down his loan................................

I did this thirty years ago and it paid off. It can be extrapolated to other businesses such as mining if they are a good fit.

almost 11 years ago
Re: Where are we?

Baires, if we have a 6 month average of $2600 at the end of next year, that would make a big difference in the financials.

almost 11 years ago
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