Wishing's Profile

Wishing's Posts

Re: Star Wars Rogue One mining colony is " Ring of Kapene"

Edgy - totally agree. It is time that politians at both the provincial and federal levels made some hard decisions based on "the greater good". They, and in fact all of us, will never please everyone but making a decision that ends up helping the province, country and directly or indirectly, millions of Canadians will not come back to bite you in the end.


All IMHO - Wishing

almost 8 years ago
Nice Up-tick

Best 1 day rise for a long time- hopefully something positive is brewing

almost 8 years ago

Been waiting a while but this is a great, unexpected jump in the share price. May be some kind of leak or just people starting to realize this product will be widely used as more juristictions legal marijuana.

Time to get on board before market ready model is finalized.

almost 8 years ago
Re: Monday's event..Hmmmmmm

Unfortunately for us investors that are in our 60's and would like to see a return on our good sized investment in the ROF, the governments, in my view, are doing the exact opposite.

They are ignoring the "long term gains" that this development would produce and ensuring that we all feel the "short term pain" of watching a winning opportunity sit idle while they try to get it right.

There has been too much blame throwing and not enough accountability catching - which has made not only Ontario look bad but also Canada as a place for investment. We can only hope that as the prices start to rise for commodities ( I think this is the prediction) the governments will start to show leadership and investment in our mining companies plans and demonstrate the strength of Canada's mining industry.

IMHO - Wishing

almost 8 years ago
Recent Development

News November 11th: Cannabix Releases Images of Beta 2.0 Marijuana Breathalyzer
Cannabix and The University of Florida make significant strides in developing benchtop FAIMS technology into a portable Cannabix Marijuana Breathalyzer

See Web-site for pictures

filSee web-site e:///Users/winterpeg/Desktop/photo-6-cannabix-beta-2-0_orig.jpg

almost 8 years ago
Re: Coutts in the Soo-Noront ferrochrome smelter

In addition. If he wants to be the miner -not the infrasturcture guy- then start playing ball with KWG who have some plans in the works for both transportation and a world class processing method for your product.

Simply working together would give shareholders, govenments and First Nations a stonger base on which to evaluate and agree with mining developments.

almost 8 years ago
Owen Sound
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