Wiser's Profile

Wiser's Posts

Re: reflection

I do agree AA....only posting theories but what else do we have. This has been brought up every few mths about us talking about nothing....well again, please tell us what we should be talking about?? We have had ZERO news/help from management in trying to understand things so we can support our investment. If they stop talking, whats a guy to do other than make up theories....?? I have no clue whats going on with this stock...and why is that!?¿! 100% mangement.

All imo

about 11 years ago
Re: My thoughts on the recent decision

Personally I believe in the property and supported the greens for that but I feel extremely let down because of the "technicality so-to-speak" in how we lost (the judge is correct, we lost fair and square). I think it's an epic failure on the greens and their lawyer for not correcting things or submitting things correct at the start, seems like an extremely easy thing to have done. So to your last question....prob 90/10 intellectual/emotional. Now I'm just hoping we don't get diluted before next AGM or she turns things around. Either way I'm not selling, way too curious...

All IMO,

over 11 years ago
Re: Recap:

Wow! You really think this with everything that has gone on from management?? You really think they have our best interests at heart?? Spending our cash on fashion show, poker, claims lapse etc. I'm still in aww.... Your exactly right that this is a dog eat dog world and thats EXACTLY why we are where we're at!! We are tired of getting pushed around like we don't matter!! Tired of these "big dogs" doing what they want, when they want, especially when 91% doesn't agree with it!!! So we have banded together and are going to bite back! Good luck today green's! Hoping the right decision comes down!!


over 11 years ago
Re: What happened today?

Yes please elaborate because that would be completely out of left field if he wasn't prepared, doesn't sound right at all.

Hmmmmmmm....just more stirring the pot in the wrong direction again........hmmmmmmm


over 11 years ago
Re: Incredible


over 11 years ago
Re: here's a question.

I actually mentioned this to Darcy awhile ago. Asked if after we win and get control if I paid for flight and rooms would it be possible to go down and see property. His response was a solid no because it falls under insider trading and such. Being able to see results and knowing what's been happening on property before others. I believe after we have released certain results and got the company to a certin point with a resource calculation then it may be possible, something along those lines. Would love to go to property and check things out! Be nice to visit Peru at same time!

All IMO,

over 11 years ago
Drayton Valley
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