WillyburgD's Profile

WillyburgD's Posts

Re: Private Placement

What do you think you're accomplishing w/ this question? 

over 7 years ago
Re: How Many Shareholders

I'm here too, and remain supportive (including financially via PP)! And yes, it is hard. And yes, it may all, in the end, be for naught.

Like you I think there's a solid chance that drills will show a great find (termendous even!). But damn if that drilling money isn't the hardest dollar anyone has ever scratched for.

I'll go down the ship, or sail to early retirement. In either case, I do enjoy supporting someone (JB) willing to dream big and go for the moon. I can afford to lose all I've invested here. It is this kind of risk taking that, well, Makes America Great. So here's to big dreams and long shot odds! 

over 7 years ago
Re: What happened to $150,000?

NDA terms are not holding up potential deals. Folks may quibble, but that is just a preliminary step and doesn't hold up legitimately interested parties, in my view. 

over 7 years ago
Re: What happened to $150,000?

Directors Brett Gross and Pete O'Heeron have already put in substantial sums (these were not all 'free' shares but paid for w/ PP) and I don't think it is reasonable to ask Jim Briscoe, who has deferred comp to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars, to pony up more. 

over 7 years ago
Re: News

Guessing just note conversions w/ shares being dumped. 

almost 8 years ago
Re: Metals prices

Well, I'm doing my part, recently purchasing a few units and looking to knock off one more. Only way this moves forward is with funding. I'm hopefull that the election and the rise of Dr. Copper may encourage some on the sidelines, especially w/ shortfalls looming in 2018/19, but this always was, and remains, a very speculative investment. Not much an explorer can do when funding for exploration has been as dire as it has been.

almost 8 years ago
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