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Willy Nilly's Posts

Back to being a lottery ticket...

...with very long odds, regarding new information about EEStor's so-called agreement with somebody called Alchemy Synergy Group. Something smells to me.

. . . . . . .

5 Dec 2016 PR: EEStor Enters Agreement for Advanced Polymer Development


Two odd things about the address for Alchemy Synergy Group as listed on the Canadian trade mark data page:

Alchemy Synergy Group, Inc.
68 Glen Acres
The Farm, St. George BB G01


Firstly, Barbados postal codes consist of the two letters BB (right so far) followed immediately - no space - by five digits, like this: BB12345.

Secondly, the address of Alchemy Synergy Group, a smallish single family home  in the Barbados central hinterland, for anyone who wants to find the place on Google maps, is also home to Legends Construction Company. Busy place!


I’m sure there’s an explanation.

almost 8 years ago
Re: Bad word filter... PS

...and just for clarification swinter's post was in reply to Radagast's post entitled "The tide is turning".

almost 8 years ago
Re: Bad word filter

koperfoks, the post is still available for view to those with access to the 'manage violations' page. The reason for its removal seems a bit silly because we're all big boys and girls here, although I suppose a line has to be drawn somewhere. Here's swinter's post again with the offending word replaced with asterisks:

. . . . . . .

I share your sentiments.  I think many of the predictions of there being a big copper glut and remaining in oversupply for the next couple of years were just plain wrong.  Some people credit Trump and his commitment to infrastructure as a catalyst for copper's recovery, but I think that's a somewhat ridiculous explanation.  The real impetus is China.  They have been stockpiling copper.  Reserves are going down.  New copper supplies have not lived up to predictions.  China's economy continues to grow, and one must remember, that even at 3 or 4 percent, year over year, that's still a huge increase in copper demand and utilization.

Even the fact that we have copper in the name of our stock may help us somewhat.  I'm not saying that's a smart strategy, but I do think that there are people who think that way.  We have a BFS and proven resource and are a lot further along than many other junior companies.  I am very displeased with management (if you can call it that) over the years, but am starting to feel more optimistic about the macro picture.  Majors like teck are starting to loosen their purse strings and look at investing in junior companies again, so I think we still have a pretty good shot of getting this company bought if management doesn't **** away what little money there is left and dilute the stock into oblivion.  For all of the people who have invested their hard earned money in this company, I sincerely hope this pays off for us in the not too distant future.  I am one of those too.

Welcome back and thanks for your thoughtful contributions over the years.

almost 8 years ago
See OT forum...

...for post of TD Securities summary on copper price. wn

almost 8 years ago
Copper: Too much, too soon or just the beginning?

Intro to a TD Securities Action Notes Summary follows (apologies to TD for infringing copyright). There may be a way of posting a link to the full report available to TD Waterhouse subscribers but I don’t know how to do it. No mention of CUU nor of Teck in this summary.

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A look at copper miner leverage to higher prices

Equity Research November 18, 2016

TD Investment Conclusion

• It is not just a Trump rally - The blame for the surge in copper prices over the past week is largely being laid at the feet of Donald Trump's election and his pledge to invest heavily in US infrastructure. But we believe that there is more to it than that. To put a potential surge in infrastructure spending in the US into perspective, if we assume that demand growth rates in the U.S. doubles from current levels of ~1.5% per annum, the net impact on global copper demand would be ~30,000 tonnes per year. And that is not enough to move the needle in a 20 million tonne per year global market.

• Copper rally started before Trump elected - The copper price started to move higher during LME Week (October 31–November 4), as market participants acknowledged that demand growth in China this year has been better than expected (Wood Mackenzie is projecting 4% y/y growth in 2016) and that global inventories are declining. Since the beginning of October, LME copper inventories have dropped 31%, or more than 110,000 tonnes, while SHFE copper stocks have declined by ~7.5% or 9,000 tonnes. The supply surge in 2016 is also running its course, with most of the larger new supply sources (Las Bambas, Cerro Verde mill expansion, Sentinel, etc.) now at or close to full run rates. After a mine supply increase of 4% y/y in 2016, supply growth is projected at approximately +1% y/y in 2017.

• Too much, too soon - The surge in the copper price has moderated over the past week from the peak of US$2.70/lb reached on November 11, but is still up 15% from the start of October at US$2.52/lb. We believe that part of the move is based on fundamentals, part is speculation and part is driven by copper playing catchup after being a significant laggard versus other commodities YTD. The move higher does appear to be excessive and we would expect some retracement as the positive Trump effect starts to lose steam and investors ponder the potential negative Trump effect of restrictive trade policies and a stronger dollar.

• Who has leverage to higher 2017 copper prices? Among the larger Canadian copper producers, Turquoise Hill has the best copper leverage, off a very low base, to higher 2017 copper prices. The next best leveraged is Lundin Mining. First Quantum's leverage is hampered by its hedge position (although we agree with the company hedging copper given its balance sheet and still-high spend capex in 2017 and 2018 for Cobre Panama). Among the smaller producers, Copper Mountain and Taseko have the best leverage due to their higher cost structures. We are in the process of reviewing our metal price assumptions and will revisit our targets/ratings at the time of our price deck update.

Greg Barnes
Craig Hutchison, P. Eng
Derick Ma, (Associate)

almost 8 years ago
Re: As market conditions improve....

stockfriend, welcome back from me too. Almost, but not quite, like old times. For some reason sibiu's popular message of support was removed, I unremoved it. It may or may not stay that way. I'm only going to make the gesture once.

I still own all my CUU shares, not because I'm so underwater, which I am, but because the fundamentals indicate that, one day, we'll all realize our dreams for CUU success, despite not being well-served by management. Good luck to all.


almost 8 years ago
Willy Nilly
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