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Re: ExxonMobil CEO says natural gas on historic rise to prominence

MoMousavi, please be more specific. Which report did you read that brought you to that conclusion? Also, if you will provide a link, that would be much appreciated.

over 12 years ago
Re: Looks like someone is doing some marketing these days.

Personally I think marketing will only move a stock so much, especially after falling like FO has over the past few years. It's all about production now. I like the direction the company is headed now and marketing is an important part of that change...but ultimately the real test is whether or not they can get it out of the ground and retain enough value to provide a return to their shareholders.

I have been buying for 3 years now and have seen the share prices drop. Sure it's a gut check, but the story hasn't gotten less compelling...in fact, it has gotten even better with the addition of Australia and South Africa. Remember, the first time this stock ran up, they were only in Hungary. Now, they still have Hungary and have added two more very promising plays.

Anyway, I hope most investors stay away from this stock for a while longer so I can continue dollar cost averaging into my position. Then, they can jump in later when I am ready to sell.

almost 13 years ago
Re: $1.17 a share?!

I agree...and for a moment yesterday, it was fun to see the impact just a move to $1.17 made on my account...LOL!

about 13 years ago
$1.17 a share?!

I'm sitting at work today when I get this frantic phone call from my banker. He is flipping out over Falcon hitting $1.17 a share today. I looked out at my Scottrade account and Yahoo Finance and both showed the last trade at $1.17. I told him there was obviously an error and of course there was...not sure what happened, but it was pretty funny how excited he got. I guess someone fat fingered a trade confirm or something...it's just too bad they didn't accept my sell order...LOL!

I sure liked my account balance for a few minutes this afternoon...

about 13 years ago
Re: Question for Soly

I understand the dilution factor, but as a LT Investor I also like that they are looking for ways to preserve cash. Obviously, this can sometimes be a bad sign and other times it can be a sign that an insider is willing to forego cash today because they believe in the future(or that they are being "asked" to take stock options in lieu of cash)...in either case, it is much better than paying the cash out. This is a VERY risky investment, as is any exploration company, and I realize many, many things have to go right for this investment to return anything. There is huge potential for this company, but it does NOT come without risk. One of the immediate risks is that the company will run out of cash. Hopefully, they do what they can to maximize their cash and mimimize their burn rate.

I agree with you 100%...as an investor, I think a person has every right to question the company whenever they feel they are doing something that can potentially impact their investment. However, I don't understand why anyone not holding shares of stock in a company would waste their time?!

There is obvious potential in all three plays on Falcon's plate...and only time will tell whether they are able to extract value from even one of them. Given that we are in a very bad economic storm, I think the odds have gotten worse since I first invested...but if they can pull it off, it may end up being worth holding. Fortunately, I only invested what I was willing to lose and came into this investment with my eyes WIDE open. The odds are low, but I'm not sure they are much worse than investing in stocks or bonds in general (IMO)?!

about 14 years ago
Re: MD&A - Bottom Line

Agreed. Makes you feel like a "wildcatter" huh?! Taking on a lot of risk (typical to this kind of investment and exploration in general), with potential for huge gains, but with soooo many hurdles to get over. This is not for the faint of heart and definitely not an easy investment to hold for the long haul. Kind of reminds me of stocks in general over the last two years or so.

I think I will invest in some TUMS and buckle in for the ride...

about 14 years ago
Tulsa, OK
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