WaitingFor Goodough's Profile

WaitingFor Goodough's Posts

Remember like yesterday

...I was leaving on a birthday celebration with a few friends for golf in Vegas...checking from the airport, the price per share had jumped in a couple of days from $10.00 to $ 18.00 and though I lost $$ at the tables, I really didn't care... this stock I had owned for about a year was really moving! Monday brought the sp to $ 24.00 for a little bit and then it started going down...

Now almost 15 years later I am still here, wishing I had not been so greedy, yet picking up more shares over the years...

Maybe one day history will repeat itself and we will see a similar kind of movement...

Always hoping! (15 years +)

over 10 years ago
Can't give up

Over these last 13 years, I have been disappointed several times. This is one more time. It still doesn't change the fact that I do believe that this company will provide value to it's shareholders at some point. (May be when I am no longer alive!).

It makes no sense for me to sell at this point, and while it may be wishful thinking, and not the smartest move from a "smart trader" point of view, I will hang on, and keep the wishful thinking going, that some very good results will come out of this investment.

One ruling does not a company make (or break...at least not usually...hopefully...)


about 11 years ago
some of the old names....

...could we soon see old names like "Dr. Hunt" and Mary-in-Red...!

over 11 years ago
Re: quit worrying...LOL...LOL

Add me to the same list...don't ever let all the wives get together or there may be a massive reduction of posters on this board due to "poster expirations!" (All this goes away though if/when we hit $7.00...or $8.00...or $10.....!)


over 11 years ago
Re: Is all this as news, news wothy - NDAs Dish

I have to agree. Although I have been waiting for all these years for us to realize the potential of the share price, and have witnessed what appeared to be the wrong strategy, it could acually work out. Not that I am anxious to wait even another week after all this time...but at least for now, imvho, working out a reasonable solution with these companies that could become partners with us is the way to go...but we should be ready with "plan B" if we don't see some results.

over 11 years ago
Lurking to Posting

I have been following Edig since 1999...and invested a fair amount back in the day(entry point over $1.25 and held all the way through the run up and run back down, all the while thinking this was an investment that would be a really good one!) I started following on RB and remember the expressions of concern over the health of some posters, their family's and the positive outlook almost everyone had. That changed on RB and I started following here, which has helped me "keep the faith".

Since the run down, I have checked every single day (when markets are open and often when they were not) to check where we are at. A lot of times, I have truly felt that I was "waiting for good dough" in total futility...but I have to say that I am more confident today that this will work out, than I have been in 13+ years. Maybe it is just wishful thinking, but hopefully it is real, and all of us who have held out hope for this company and this stock will realize a nice profit. Thanks to all of you who have provided insight (which I haven't always understood) and kept things as positive as possible throughout.


over 11 years ago
WaitingFor Goodough
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