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Vimar's Posts

Re: Now that Tina's gone...

Your right...if we decide to withhold it can only hope to "influence future decisions by our board!" I feel so confident in our ability to influence our current board...LOL!

Some statements that I found under a different company online...

Each company must disclose how "abstain" or "withhold" votes affect an election in its proxy statement. This information is often found toward the beginning of the proxy statement under a heading such as "Votes Required to Adopt a Proposal" or "How Your Votes Are Counted."

If a director runs unopposed, he or she only needs one vote to be elected, so an "against" vote is meaningless. Because of this, shareholders have the option to express dissatisfaction with a candidate by indicating that they wish to "withhold" authority to vote their shares in favor of the candidate. A substantial number of "withhold" votes will not prevent a candidate from getting elected, but it can sometimes influence future decisions by the board of directors concerning director nominees.

about 11 years ago
Re: Now that Tina's gone...

I believe your right Stewie. However the voting process only allows us to vote "Agree or Withhold". I'm not sure we can remove an appointed director.

about 11 years ago
Re: AGM is coming soon and share price is still $.20

As I recall last year we voted for Tina Whyte and Murry Braucht as directors. Our options were to vote "for" or "withhold". We need to review our bylaws as I do not believe we have any power to vote "against" Directors.

Some statements that I found under a different company online...

Each company must disclose how "abstain" or "withhold" votes affect an election in its proxy statement. This information is often found toward the beginning of the proxy statement under a heading such as "Votes Required to Adopt a Proposal" or "How Your Votes Are Counted."

If a director runs unopposed, he or she only needs one vote to be elected, so an "against" vote is meaningless. Because of this, shareholders have the option to express dissatisfaction with a candidate by indicating that they wish to "withhold" authority to vote their shares in favor of the candidate. A substantial number of "withhold" votes will not prevent a candidate from getting elected, but it can sometimes influence future decisions by the board of directors concerning director nominees.

about 12 years ago
Re: Jeff Grinstein Entertainment's Curvy Fashion Show

Lori can choose to do whatever she wants with her money. It is her income. People can debate whether she earned it or not, but it is not our choice what she does with her money. Lori McLennahan did not sponsor this event. SLI did with corporate money.

This is not a charitable donation it is a sponsorship. These amounts can lower your profitability in a given year. If your corproation made too much money and put you in a higher tax bracket it may be prudent to spend some money as in a sponsorship. This does not appear to be the case.

This was a poor choice given the timing.

Getting local peruvian support is a good choice.

over 12 years ago
Re: Jeff Grinstein Entertainment's Curvy Fashion Show

I don't think anyone is challenging the fact that this association needs to raise money for their cause and get sponsorship. Or challenging that their cause is valid. We are challenging the fact that Lori is supporting a friend with public money (ours) when our SP has been hammered. A responsible CEO curtails spending on non-essential items like this to show accountability to the shareholders.

I will choose my own charities to support with my money.

over 12 years ago
Re: T24 Tesoro

T24 - If you worked in sales for Quantec you would have been involved in putting together proposals for clients.

Can you tell me what services accompany a Titan 24 survey. Is there site services, consulting, evaluation, or do you simply produce an image and allow the client to decide. Also advise what services would be offered at additional costs and what would be free.


over 12 years ago
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