Vermeer's Profile

Vermeer's Posts


Technically, an optimistic scenario so far has been that a double bottom might be forming in the chart, to be completed perhaps by the end of December. However, the bottom is currently crumbling, after 0.25 CAD has been broken.

BarChart assigns it a "strong sell" ( -- however I have no experience as to how good their (automatic) assessments are or have been in other cases. But visually, the chart does look like a slippery slope now.

Anyway, what this stock needs most is news, not technical analysis. 

almost 8 years ago
Re: Last Minute of Play yesterday drops our stock by .5

I like to see such things and find them very reassuring. It means our stock is not as bad as it looks :-)

almost 8 years ago
Re: $342B in Resource Sector Investment will Spur Canadian Job Growth

I'm guessing $8.


First of all, the market does not expect anything like a road announcement, as you can see...

almost 8 years ago
Re: SP

The shorters were buying quite a lot recently... (at least one reassuring piece of news)

almost 8 years ago
Re: Update on Ring of Fire Development...

In this last news release, we read:

The company is therefore, urging the government to table a proposal for the ... access road before the end of this year.

In the news release from 8 August (which drove the sp to 0.50), the wording was different:

The federal and provincial governments ... are expected to make a joint announcement with local First Nations this year regarding plans for an access road.

This earlier version sounds much stronger to me, the more recent one above considerably weaker. It seems things are not going well?

almost 8 years ago
Re: level II

yes, the 0.25 ;-)

almost 8 years ago
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