VanVillain's Profile

VanVillain's Posts

Re: Grasping at straws

I've read recently how San Francisco and Silicon Valley are expected to be the epicentre of the global economy, and very soon.  That's the way it's going. What POET is proposing, and the reason why we're all here, is because their solution is disruptive.  Think about what that would mean to the current establishment. 


While I'm tempering my expectations, the links with Apple are undeniable, but also unspoken for a reason.  It's a secreitve, highly ruthless, and always verging on obsolete company, if a competitor comes along and does something groundbreaking.  All tech companies are at risk of being extinct in the persuit of being leading edge.  Which is why Shash had his electonics confiscated at the plant.  That's why wishing for tanglible detailed updates on technical progress will be in vain. 

over 7 years ago
Re: First Draft questions for Nov 28th

I'm not trying to be a wet blanket. But on the previous occasions where questions were "invited", they were carefully managed and vetted. Even the town hall Q&A left more questions than answers.

almost 8 years ago
Re: First Draft questions for Nov 28th

Great questions.

None of which will be answered.

almost 8 years ago
Re: The CIC Revisited

To Sula's original post. There was a run up to 1.84 in the spring of 2015, not long after the video leaked out. Then a summer drop off to .74 in August.

There's more than enough evidence out in the ether about the ruthless reputation of the company we've long been associated with.

As much as there would have been near term gain from an exclusive deal and a run to NASDAQ, that is just ONE company in a universe of MANY companies that require the same solution to the Moore's Law problem. The reference to "gain greater control over its (our) own destiny" stood out for me in Suresh's letter. Is it possible the terms of a potential deal were too exclusive/restrictive? Again, just me spit-balling. But the closer you get to completition (the recent patent approvals offer some hope there) the more leverage you have with the wider spectrum of potential customers/partners.

If you were the big company, you would 100% ask for head start early adoption exclusivity, wouldn't you?

almost 8 years ago
Re: I think we are seeing part of the reason for the timing of the raise.

Interesting times. POET, a Canadian Company with an office in San Jose, and manufacturing in Singapore - Taiwan, with arguably the biggest customer potential in India and China.

almost 8 years ago
The next Conference Call

Will be very interesting. The board will never answer the real questions. The obvious questions. But I'm assuming, (and dearly hoping) that some clarity will be provided. Remember Suresh saying just 2 conference calls ago "This is going nothing but up from here"? Well, something obviously happened between now and then.

There might an explaination that we never considered, but the time for "expecting results" has now passed. We need to see results.

almost 8 years ago
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