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Re: Will anyone buy San Gold and a couple questions


Thanks for your comments. It helps a bit to not be alone in this fiasco. However I am still befuddled by the fact that drill reports never seemed to correlate with what came out of the ground.

I see a possible lawsuit in the future. I have been involved in one before. An oil company that lied about their production levels. I did receive some compensation as a result.

All the best!


over 9 years ago
Re: Will anyone buy San Gold and a couple questions

I have to admit to myself that this company is done. I am going to start selling my shares in my TFSA and RRSP. Pride f*#ked with my decisions. I couldn't accept that I had made such boneheaded decisions. I can sell what I own in my cash account at any time and declare the tax loss. If I do this I will never have to worry about capital gains for as long as I live!

The only remote hope is that the price of Gold takes off or that Gibson convinces one of the other companies he is affiliated with to buy SGR. Maybe the province would get involved as many locals will lose their jobs and kill the town. But I doubt it as it would set a precedent.

I think people still read this board but most see no hope.

Van the Man

over 9 years ago
Re: San Gold Announces Approval To List On The TSX Venture Exchange

Well, it's better than a kick in the pants as my late dad would say!

over 9 years ago
Re: San Gold Issues Invitation for Offers

Thanks GB for your report on the phone call with Greg Gibson. We all need some hope to keep going! Van

over 9 years ago
TSX extends delisting date

TSX has extended the delisting date for SGR to March 27.

over 9 years ago
3.5 Million Loan for San Gold

Apparently SGR has arranged a moderator approved loan that will finance operations to June. Here is the link:

over 9 years ago
Van the Man
Kingston, Ontario
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