Ux4it's Profile

Ux4it's Posts

Re: More insider buys?

Very nice indeed. Would love to see more tomorrow.

over 11 years ago
Re: Would the serious for Copper Fox please stand up.

Count me in. I've been riding this wave for well over a year now. My intentions from day one was to be in this until the end. Nothing has changed.

Long and strong.

over 12 years ago
Re: BXX and Elmer

Hey Legger, nice to see you here. Always value your opinion.

over 12 years ago
Re: Listen up !

Was listening to that song earlier today, never thought of it in regards to CUU. Very fitting though.

Thanks Vette

over 12 years ago
Re: How likely is a $5 buyout

Depends who you listen to, trust.

Last year at this time, you could take your pick. Anywhere from $1.50 to as high as $20.00.

over 12 years ago
Hello all

Just joined here today. I was on the SH board for a long time with cuu.I see some old faces here. Hello to Vette, webgogs, Foxy and others. I'm long in cuu. I've been following this company since it was at .29. I was around for the big run up last year to 2.75, and was watching as it came crashing down to the .80's not too long ago. I am very happy to see the run up again. I still hold every share I ever bought. Like I said long ago, I'm in to the end. It's nice to see the positive attitude of this forum, compared to the negativity that took over the SH board a long time ago.

Anyway, just wanted to say HI.

GLTA longs.

over 12 years ago
Prince George
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