Ubenewbe's Profile

Ubenewbe's Posts

Re: LGDI time to sue before they use up the 20 million bec then its over over over

Legend International Holdings, Inc. Deleted From OTCBB

Jul 23 12

Legend International Holdings, Inc.’s common stock has been deleted from OTC Bulletin Board (OTCBB) effective July 23, 2012 on account of its ineligibility for quotation on OTCBB due to quoting inactivity under SEC Rule 15c2-11.

about 12 years ago
More money for the madoffs ponzi sceme!!


Why work when you can keep all investor money through who knows how many subsidaries. I hope Australia wakes up to the fact they have their own B.Madoff. Our own S.E.C is so pathetic nothing will ever be done.

about 12 years ago
Re: Some large blocks of shares traded hands today - who is buying into this stock?

It is the market maker for this stock. If you look at the amounts being bought, they are allways sold back one or two cents higher (or fractions of a cent). This is done to make it apear that their is some life here! With phos. rock falling like a rock now,it will be nearly impossible to get a deal done. Like I've said many times, we could have been selling dso for over a year,but that didn't happen?? I think they like their cush life more than making money for shareholders.

over 12 years ago
Says he's a friend of managment?

http://messages.finance.yahoo.com/Stocks_%28A_to_Z%29/Stocks_L/threadview?m=tm&bn=64369&tid=3931&mid=3932&tof=1&rt=2&frt=2&off=1 THEY COULD HAVE BEEN SHIPPING DSO FOR OVER A YEAR,BUT I DON'T THINK THE QUALITY WAS AS REPORTED. THEIR IS NO EXCUSE FOR ALL THE MISSED DEADLINES AND FALSE PROMISES!!

over 12 years ago
Re: All we need is lgdi to come to the party

Now LGDI has to come up with a good excuse as to why they have no partners or financing for the project!!! This is why they never paid the application fee in the first place. With no intention to ever develop this in the first place,only to milk investors for personal gain as the main objective, this will be fun to watch the explanation this time? If you don't believe me, watch the outcome! Your investment has been transfered to an all 100% Ausie owned subsidiary with the purpose of diluting all original investors to nothing before any thing big happens!!!!!!!!!!!!

over 12 years ago
Re: The Sound of Silence

http://www.northweststar.com.au/news/local/news/general/deja-vu-as-city-returns-mcgrady-as-mayor/2538181.aspx Legend will stall because no one wants to partner with them and no financing is available!

over 12 years ago
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