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Two Dogs's Posts

Christmas Hash

Unless something significant happens in the next two weeks I'm thinking this board should take an early Christmas vacation until the New Year. All that is happening lately is just re Hashing and more re Hashing of the same old topics that are more worn out than the proverbial rented mule. From what I can see most of the old guard posters are not posting much if any lately and I'm pretty sure this would be the reason why......but.....that's just one guys opinion.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night

Two Dogs

almost 13 years ago
Re: Total number of shares the SLI Agoracom users control

Mrs. C, I believe what you were looking for was 'sphere of influence' :)

And in answer to how long is long? Well.....when I bought in there was no was Jales in Portugal

How could anyone ever estimate what Agoracom members held anyways......everyone would have to speak up and be honest and what about the silent majority out there who just listen and learn and keep to themselves

Two Dogs

almost 13 years ago
Re: Into to our new Geo

Kevin K coming over from Quantec could be the most over shadowed piece of news to come out of the AGM.

A month and a half ago I was strolling the mall with my daughter and granddaughter and there was a mini psychic fair and I thought....what the hell. During my time with this nice lady she says to me......don't leave your company just yet.....they are in talks and there is going to be a merger and you are going to get a very handsome buyout and you won't have to worry about anything after that......I was company isn't in company has no plans whatsoever to merge and even if they did there is no way in hell that it would ever mean a buyout for me. I have a customer where there is something similar happening and a couple of my guys are going to get a 'bonus' for sticking around for a set period but I'm not part of that. A week or so after I'd returned to work I got to thinking about 'my' company and merger and buyout and it struck the Rawkstar dude says.........sleep well......

Good things come to those who wait.

Two Dogs

almost 13 years ago
Re:Financial Advisors

Ah yes....this from the great ATB.......who wanted $25 from me to cash a cheque written to me by a friend on their bank because I do NOT have an account there.

This also from a bank which has spent a more than a year rebuilding their electronic banking system. Once it was turned over to their IT Dept, after diligent sandbox runs that showed a well functioning system, the IT as IT Depts will do, decided to make some changes which have resulted in a massive pile of s(*&6t happening.....and a growing number of upset customers. I have good intel on this.

Just saying

Two Dogs

almost 13 years ago
Re: SP

Ten days to go and I'm beginning to think that if things remain status quo it might be like the storming of the Bastille at the AGM.

Which could make for a highly entertaining webcast....but I don't see that happening.....nobody wants to air their dirty laundry on that kind of public scale.

Two Dogs ..... would like more than table scraps

almost 13 years ago
Two Dogs
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