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Trout080's Posts

Re: Another firestorm for INT

Thank you for making the effort to pursue possible legal action in this case. Most of us don't possess the connections, time or resources to do so and we simply wish to profit via the success of this innovative company. In another post on Stockhouse I had suggested that, should it be in their power, the management team at INT seek a halt trade order so that the facts might be brought to bear.

All the best,


over 13 years ago
Another firestorm for INT

After the market close today the following article was posted on the Globe and Mail website:

The post below was from a member, and that is followed by what I personally posted on the matter:

This has caused a literal firestorm among those of us who believe that this fledgling company has real potential:

Just responded to the jackAzz Globe & Mail columnist regarding his article; here is my email reply to him. Not that it will make a difference or change his view, i just felt like responding to let him know he's a _______!

Have a good weekend everyone!

Your article would have been a little more credible had you just attacked the product itself, however your motives are very clear based on your support of an admitted short fund, and your crystal ball prediction that the stock price will go back to pennies from dollars. You also forgot to mention that INT is seeking legal remedy for the false and misleading blog released last week by the same shorters you are assisting. Nice try wise guy! Best cover your short position soon IMHO.

My post:

It's pretty bad when The Globe and Mail has to resort to printing a questionable article about a small Canadian company that shows every sign of being successful. I suggest that everyone do as I have and take the time to register, then fill up their comments section with our distaste for this obviously one-sided and biased article. No mention of Sprott taking a large position, another well-respected fund manager who averaged nearly 36% per annum (follow link to other articles) favoring INT or that Gene Simmons, a brilliant businessman, has given it his full support. Just my opinion, but I believe that Intertainment management deserves better, and it;s sad that they will have to respond once more to this sort of thrashing piece.

It seems shameful that all kinds of tactics are being employed to try and quash this start-up. Sorry for the lengthy post, but all investors have the right to know. All the best.


over 13 years ago
INT potential

As a small investor/big believer I've observed the madness surrounding INT for the past few weeks. Current market cap is high, but it's the potential that we can't ignore. In my researching and DD, I've found no weakness and Gene Simmons, according to Jim Cramer, is one of the smartest marketers and salesmen alive. I'm new to posting on Agoracom, so hopefully links are permitted:

ORSTBO is just one of their products, but good buzz has been created, with more to come in a big way on May 20. I'm certainly not trying to 'pump' the stock, but I trust that things have settled down, there is some equilibrium, basing for a nice steady and profitable return.

Best to all

over 13 years ago
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