Threshold's Profile

Threshold's Posts

Re: ZEN on it's way...

Yes Glorieux, i agree. Going to be some chasing coming in. That death cross elsewhere may hasten the process.

almost 8 years ago
Re: Question for the Board

Good lord, is that a real question?

over 9 years ago
if you think your posts are not studied by larger forces then read this report

it's late out here on the west coast and i don't have time to dig up more examples, but the link above should be enough to convince you that your posts are being studied and will in some way be gauged into a stock's price. many factors contribute to stock price and retail investors control very few of them if any, so think before you post, and dig thru the net to learn more about sentiment analysis, for your own good. control what you can, and that is what you say, how you say it, when you say it and what message are you sending over and above your actual words.



over 9 years ago
in my opinion only, posting your position size and/or how you feel about the

stock at any point in time, is just feeding info to the market that could be perceived as shareholder weakness to anyone looking for clues. this is not a good thing to do to yourself and other shareholders.

it's a simple concept if you are a bit of a veteran on the markets, but if you aren't, then it is something you should read up on.

i've tried to convey this message many times, but to no avail.

if you've played Texas Hold'em or watched it on TV, you'll know that hiding emotions is critical to success. this stock market stuff is similar in many ways.



over 9 years ago
yikes who talked them into filing a short form prospectus

i see companies getting slaughtered after filing one of these when looking to raise capital.

so why go that route?

over 9 years ago
Re: There was some discussion about why the economic resource had shrunk

RPA selected a number for production and it was 30k tpy. work from there. they did not publish a new resource number in the PEA. they gave a resource size worked back from that production number. you guys can strawman yourselves to death till the report is filed and i fully expect you to do so.


over 9 years ago
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