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TheBuss's Posts

Re: ‘Fessin’ up… twice

Same message here as well. We lost our 2 miniature shnauzers in the last month after 14 years. Must be the dog days of summer.

over 8 years ago
Wasted Opportunity!

What an absolute shame to see what the potential of SC has become. The excuse will be "the market" is bad for juniors or base metals don't support a project of this magnitude. At the emd of the day we had an opportunity to structure a JV that would have been 'bullet proof" but for whatever reason the company saw fit to allow Teck to lead them down the garden path and we are "at their mercy" if and when! The leader's lack of experience in marketing and negotating has taken a project that many major mining companies would have "drooled" over to where it sits today. If the company goes to market to raise capital and EE isn't offered or worse still, decides that he isn't interested in any more private placements, that will be a MAJOR red flag for me!

over 8 years ago
Re: Zigzag

Which is what the company was doing when they should have been paying attention to renewal dayes!!

over 8 years ago
Re: all we need now is for copper to keep climbing

I think Teck already takes SC seriously. Their focus is getting Fort Hills paid for, up and running, producing cash flow and increasing their market value which has climbed significantly as of late.

over 8 years ago
Re: 171 MT of waste rock...Real value is...

I hear ya! I've always thought it was a strange route that Elmer took with the JV. It was almost like he knew something but wasn't at liberty to discuss. He has always maintained a quiet condidence about CUU's future with no apparent cuase for concern about running out of cash!

over 8 years ago
Re: 171 MT of waste rock...Real value is...

Golf, you know as well as I do why they wouldn't want those last 2 holes done. Teck has known for a looonnnggg time what this property represents and it couldn't come at a worse time for them considering their company value, the price of oil and their committment to Fort Hills.

over 8 years ago
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