The Primd Repoot 's Profile

The Primd Repoot 's Posts

Re: we do not have proof that....

Look up a definition of legal fraud. You are completely wrong. Stop misleading people, it is well past time. 

over 7 years ago

Every time someone, anyone, rants about global conspiracies, unrelated frauds, unrelated court cases, anything not directly about SLI, report a violation. Everyone take responsibility for cleaning up the board and ridding it of aluminum helmet posts. 

over 7 years ago
Re: we do not have proof that....

Someone make sure Lori sees the ever rational Bucky's post, I'm sure it will make her want to respond to Aiminvestor's questions regarding, and his appeal to revive, SLI. 




over 7 years ago
Re: we do not have proof that....

You are correct. 

It is generally the policy of securities commissions, professional organizations, etc., not to disclose or confirm ongoing investigations, or the results of investigations, unless charges or punitive actions result. If there is not sufficient evidence to result in charges or punitive actions the files are closed and not made public. In some cases it is not even disclosed that an investigation took place. 

This is to both protect the individuals, companies, investors etc., from unsubstantiated rumours, speculation, falsehoods, etc., that might unfairly or unreasonably affect the aforementioned.

The only way one *might* be able to obtain information about suspected activities of regulatory bodies could be through navigating freedom of information legislation, if any exists. 

over 7 years ago
Re: No reply from Lori

You have asked for too much information. Information that assumes all corporate information, financials etcetera are up to date. You have asked for too much of her time. You have assumed she is still engaged with the company. And gives a rats arse. 

Only one question matters: Are you willing to participate in reviving St Elias? A simple yes or no. Easily answered. Should you get an answer, which would seem to be a very low percentage play, proceed from there. 

over 7 years ago
Re: New board request?

Won't happen. Agoracom is about small caps, period. Not intergalactic conspiracy theories. 

over 7 years ago
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