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Re: PDAC -Goat

jysk - I have browsed Agoracom on occasion over an extended period of time as have a number of other shareholders that I know mainly to further our education. None of us has posted before but in looking at some of the well thought out analysis posted by others we have been able to get a better understanding of some of the factors contributing to the current climate of uncertainty surrounding the timing of additional Zen news.

I don't know why you would find these facts particularly interesting - not being a poster but just an observer.

over 9 years ago
Re: PDAC -Goat

Let me clarify the content of my earlier and initial post. I did attend PDAC and had a chat with Peter Wood and Tadashi Yamashita. In discussing the relative geological value of the Albany deposit CCB came into the conversation and I pointed out how CCB had handled their good news announcements from a PR standpoint and the impact this had on their stock price versus ZEN's less than ideal approach to this aspect. This is what prompted the comment that there was a difference of opinion in the handling of this.

If my post has created more questions than answers for some of you I apologize as that was not the intent. Rather it was in response to the post from Money75 wondering about any early feedback from PDAC and yes it was only a very small piece of information but perhaps it helps explain the recent approach in releasing a series of technical reports as results become available.

For the record I do not go near SH let alone post on it and I am a long term owner of ZEN with a significant $ investment in its future.

I trust this will satisfy all respondents as I will not be commenting further.

over 9 years ago

Not from Aubrey - but it would appear that there is internal dissent over the lack of PR support for the stock price. I presented a comparison of how CCB had handled this versus ZEN.

over 9 years ago
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