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Re: Eagle Hill's Gold Resource Expands With the First Assay Results

There is something I don,t understand; is why did they choose to use 3. grams as a cut off. If my memory is right I bought this at .145 in April 2009 and rode it to .60 in no time flat.

Since then its been on a downward spiral and has hit bottom again, today after two and a half years of drilling and increasing the resource. Brad,s been in Europe trying to drum up investors he,s been on Agoracomand the price of Gold has gone up 33 percent. Is there something going on behind the curtain? Like deliberately driving the price down or do we have investors pulling out because of the 3. gram cut off.

Your comments will be appreciated

almost 13 years ago
Hoor net

I left you a message on the other board a few days ago and you never got back.

Were all looking for more information over there

The Dude

about 13 years ago
Re: My thoughts on final take-out range

Well I,ll be darned ;If you are who you say you are I commend you for saying those four little words ( Same stink different pile.)

I,ll only say he has such away with words. He came out giving his opinion of FWR and his slant on just how much they were worth as Mac sold us down the drain and he,s attempting to do it again here. As far as any ones guess timate on the issue of SPQ and KWG,s worth right now is pure speculation. This kind of idea of worth as far as this goes will depend on the will of the sh hanging on with true grit till the bitter end.

This time right now; we as in SPQ have the upper hand. Some on this BB as well the other have been attacking NN and the BOD. Well as far as I,m concerned wheather the RS was bad timing ; bad idea or just plain luck we are in a better light now.

Weve turned on the flashing lights * FOR SALE * were knocking on doors. This is the biggest find of the century worth billions as JD would say and were not gonna give it away for a few puny pennies.

Thanks and hold on tight TD

over 14 years ago
Re: NO next offer, 0.13 will be final

When in heavens did you get that idea $ .13 and thats it ?

This is a new game here; not FWR an Mac Watson with his bunch of bandits. I,m betting

near a 1/4 M sh .And I personally not give a darn if its Clf,s gets it. Cause we got the

goods and these share holders will hold out for a lot more . We have the time on our

side .

I bought yesterday; today and more tomorrow,,,,,,,,,,Mind you do your own DD

over 14 years ago
Re: The Dude

You are so right ! Mind you K has a stake in BBR and I,m sure they also could be in the mix. Today has been a good day to pick up a few shares in some plays in Ont.

I,m retired now and spending quite some time watching the markets from out here in Snugs stompin grounds. Been lurking since around August 2006. Theres been a lot of changes on this form and the ways to invest since then. It,s the spice of life to get up each morning and learn something new in the markets.

Thanks TD

over 14 years ago
Re: Is Anyone Still Following This Stock

I picked some of this stock up only yesterday only on a long shot. Its cheap; and there close to EAG. Should this go up its our best chance to come out ahead rather than buy at .30 cents. Thats my rationale when playing these penny stocks. Look at FWR; bought it at .30 and sold when they gave it away to Cliffs. Just seems to be the pattern these day. Same with BBR being bought out by OSK. And to look at it today its up ! Its up beyond the $2.85 signing . Can,t understand it but at this moment I haven,t heard any more " News ".

Gee just maybe I ought to buy on rumor and sell on News?

Just where have I read this before

Thanks TD

over 14 years ago
The Dude
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