TexasOilMan's Profile

TexasOilMan's Posts

Re: In case you forgot...


Falcon announced it in their quarterly filing for the period ending Sept 30, 2009. It was ganted by the Hungarian Mining Authority in October of 2009.


What is your take on what it means about the relationship b/n Falcon and the govt?


over 14 years ago
Re: This is our company

Sorry but this board needs to be more of an open dialogue about Falcon.

You don't want open dialogue, you want to control the dialogue and focus on the negatives. Your agenda is quite clear. There is already a board for investors with this sentiment,but of course you already knew that. Get real basher-man!!!


over 14 years ago
Re: Question relating to $40mill financing dec 2007

You've fallen a long way LT: from managing $40 billion in energy stocks to posting on a penny stock forum. Since you've been everywhere and done everything, what's next? You should form a consortium with all of your powerful CEO friends and change the world. Maybe a cure for cancer or personal flying machines for everyone!!!!

Please feel free to ignore us morons not worthy of your insight.


over 14 years ago
Re: Ground control, do you copy? I repeat: Do you copy?

The reality is that there were buyers for every share sold today.

I appreciate your sympathies Richard, but don't feel sorry for me. It's not a loss until I sell.


over 14 years ago
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