TerryHerman's Profile

TerryHerman's Posts

Re: GNH Forum or Romper Room?

>>>>>>>>>>And as a side note, as far as the Terry person goes - similar to Twilight who may be gone for good - her/his posts were quite valid and I 100% agree that Larry Hoovers reputation is riding on GNH and other stocks that he writes and talks about. Larry agrees with that as well.>>>>>>>>>>>>>

And this Terry person says thank you for a breath of rational thinking. As I have said previously, I have no disparaging comments about Hoov/ Glor......I just called it as I saw it. Thanks for the thoughtful comments Bratty. Disclosure: I only own a strarter position in GNH but I'm watching intently.

about 14 years ago
Re: I spoke to Sasha this am.

Scott.......have you noticed the total disregard for junior miners over the last several years by retail investors? I haven't followed GNH for much over a month but do you really think the run to .98 and back down to near .50 was retail inspired.......I find that hard to believe......what do you consider retail?

about 14 years ago
Re: Terry Herman.....

In all due respect Observer44,I couldn't care less if you welcome me to the discussion. I made what I feel is a pragmatic call based on the timing of Hoovs thesis and the subsequent collapse in the stock, whether they are casual is irrelevant.......it happened. I actually think Hoov is a very intelligent individual that probably has more integrity in his little finger than most here but that doesn't matter........there will be many that see only cause/effect. So you go about with your rose colored glasses and misrepresent my posts all you want but your firing at the messenger not the message. HERE'S some facts......post Hoov's mention of GAX on 9/08 (he may have mentioned it earlier because I remember his referrence to a.05 stock) it went from .07 to .12 on nothing more than his subtle mention. Since GNH has cratered GAX has lost .03 (from .11 to .08 ) of the Hoov effect in two days.......seems like the market speaks louder than I. I don't need your welcome mat to be able read the tea leafs. As for Hoov's integrity I never said a disparaging thing about it.....I just said it would suffer.......you take that any way you like.

about 14 years ago
Re: So where does this leave us???

Does that take into consideration market closed for Canada Day?

over 14 years ago
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