Terf's Profile

Terf's Posts

Re: Thanks for the support

Is this a serious statement? The only way this is a problem for people is if they are half wit investors.

Investing 101 - Don't invest based on what your buddy told you at the water cooler and don't believe everything you read on a forum!

over 12 years ago
Re: Timeline

I personally believe that there will be a fairly long timeline for us longs to continue accumulating. I am comfortable waiting another month or two before I purchase again. We'll see what happens.

over 12 years ago
Re: Just another day in the life...lol...Web, ask him if he has a question for Elmer

If we're going to have the apparent non-relevant political threads moved to the OT forum, can we at least have an administrator move the constant SH talk there too?

Much appreciated.... by all

over 12 years ago
Re: Someone deleted a bunch of messages

I have to disagree with the comments that the political situation is not relevant to CUU. I find it a little slimy that people try to kill a thread like this political one, yet they still insert their views and opinions into the message.

Oh well, now that this topic is dead we can get back to our never discussed buyout predictions.

over 12 years ago
Re: Any chance TCK thinks they can...

Do you consider Stifel to be a little guy compared to the big guys? I'm just trying to understand your agreeance with Stifel's stock picking abilities and high purchase prices against the no bfs = no purchases for large institutions. My apologies if I've misunderstood yours and Golfyeti's posts.

over 12 years ago
Re: Fission at Vancouver Resource Show

Were the rumblings coming from other shareholders or management? I am really hoping that a buyout doesn't happen until late this year or early next year at the earliest. I love this stock and need more time to accumulate... it's a steal right now. I really don't think we can expect the same sort of buyout that Hathor commanded, but it should still be a good one.

over 12 years ago
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