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Waiting For The Cows To Come Home

Following is my recent reply to a Private Message Writer: 

Although you asked me privately, I’m taking the liberty of answering you publicly (on the Message Hub). After all, from time-to-time, others ask me the same things. 

I don’t have much faith in investor relations firms, except sometimes the written analysis they do can be very helpful if communicated to the outside world with persistence and conviction. Communications that will make a real honest-to-goodness difference can only come directly from responsible management people who are true believers and who cannot contain themselves. 

These people (or even one person so charged) need to have enough initiative and self-motivation to act like they know how to make use of a secret modern technological device called the telephone. What they need to do is pick it up twice a day, if their wrists (and hands and fingers) are strong enough to bear the heavy workload. 

When you care enough to make regular use of the telephone (and keep track of what you’re doing), it’s possible to initiate and develop hundreds of valuable resource industry and investor company relationships per year. Compare what would have happened had we done this (as I recommended too many times to count) as opposed to the company’s communication strategy, which never changes: Tweedle Your Thumbs And Sit Back And Wait For The Cows To Come Home.

You say FNC stock should be 25 cents. So far as the denomination, you’re dead wrong. Counting Magpie’s proven billion tonne in-situ resources alone, 25 dollars is still short of the mark (at a modest two percent of the spot market). I’m talking valuation as a resource in the ground, many years from production. Of course, at production, 25 dollars would no longer be anywhere near the case (because we would no longer be stuck looking at a tiny itsy-bitsy two percent of the spot market). 

Why is it that I insist on talking dollars, when everybody else talks cents? Simply, I believe what I believe. It is a hard fact that (due to a deficiency of gray matter in the brain) management has allowed the selling price of our shares to become disconnected from the hard realities of the hard assets we own. Disconnected means no connection whatsoever. None. When you uncouple a locomotive from hundreds of freight cars behind it, those cars don’t go anywhere, no matter how far the stupid engineer drives the locomotive with nothing but empty air behind it. 

So far as my thinking of the future, other private message writers have asked me the same. I will take the liberty of repeating here how I last replied: 

“As I said to you way back, (without any inside information), it continues to be my firm belief that we will (at some undetermined time) be taken over by CIA. The way these deals are generally done is by stock swap.

“I would strongly approve it. The dilution of our proven assets would be very great. But we can well afford it because we have so much.

“We would own shares instead in CIA, made vastly richer by the FNC assets acquired in the deal. Of course the main attraction would be the new (for us) and worlds-better leadership at CIA.” 

Be well.

over 7 years ago
Lest We Forget

There was another stock, well known to us all, that not too long ago traded at the same 7.5 cents as FNC trades today.


Champion Iron Ltd.

CIA trades at 0.075 between 21 May 2015 and 19 June 2015:


High .08 / Low .07 / Close .08 -- on 21 May 2015

High .08 / Low .075 / Close .075 -- on 28 May 2015

High .075 / Low .075 / Close .075 -- on 29 May 2015


High .085 / Low .075 / Close .08 -- on 8 June 2015

High .08 / Low .075 / Close .075 -- on 12 June 2015


High .075 / Low .075 / Close .075 -- on 15 June 2015

High .075 / Low .075 / Close .075 -- on 16 June 2015

High .075 / Low .075 / Close .075 -- on 17 June 2015

High .075 / Low .075 / Close .075 -- on 18 June 2015

High .075 / Low .075 / Close .075 -- on 19 June 2015

over 7 years ago

Hello fivenine.

Thanks for adding up the numbers.

Of course, as you well know, besides the value of our stock holdings (in the companies you mention), there's the even greater value of the NSRs we secured (in those very same companies).

Of course, as you well know, added together the stock holdings and the NSRs are itsy-bitsy compared to the billion tonne (literal) mountain of far greater valuable ore at Magpie, repeatedly and reliably proven to contain a very consistant 11 percent titanium (not to mention other valuable components). 

Of course, as you well know, (as icing on the cake) we are the number one gold and copper property holder of Canadian lands south of the St. Lawrence. 

over 7 years ago
Re: Big Picture (Dance with the Devil)

Hello Fani. 

You've reminded us that you "tried to oust him once before." You go on to say, "Lost that fight!!!!"

That's not the half of it. For more than a year, in the months following, you haven't been active on this Message Hub (as I understand it, for good reason). 

As you may recall, Marquest cast the decisive votes defeating you (and me and everybody else). At this very late stage, you may be interested to know that the Marquest vote, very likely, was against the law. I only wish I had the relevant facts at the time.

(1) Marquest was contractually (and legally) obligated to sell the great majority of its Fancamp shares within eleven months of having obtained them.

(2) Marquest was not the beneficial owner of the shares.

(3) The beneficial owners of the shares obtained them as a "BLIND POOL OFFERING" [caps in the original contract] together with other unnamed shares (for the sole purpose of flipping them, as a method of dodging taxes).

I spelled out more details in a message here in August 2014. I'm copy-and-pasting my earlier message (as follows) because the Agoracom link to it is broken.

The Marquest Super Flow-Through Offering Memorandum

in response to 


posted on Aug 21, 2014 08:06PM

In my last Post I included the following promotional link to the latest of Marquest’s five presently offered “Super Flow-Through Limited Partnerships.”

The way I look at it, the most hurtful feature of all these funds is the fact that their self-destruction is a built-in feature. In my last Post, I said “they will be liquidated in short order.” I failed to mention it’s worse than simply liquidate “in short order.” Each one of these funds—contained within its very definition—has “its scheduled dissolution date” prearranged. That is to say there is a specific deadline date for all the shares to be sold off. In terms of Fancamp that means “The General Partner” is legally obligated to dump every last share (come hell or high water) within eleven months of the initiation date of the fund. The link to the 113 page “Offering Memorandum” follows.

The applicable tax year is so essential to the logic of the investment that it is even part of the title of this fund as well as the titles of the earlier funds. In other words, their time-defined demise is one of the most important integral features. Earlier funds as well as this one use identical “dissolution” language. You only need to turn to page two, paragraph five (as follows, in its entirety), to get to the “dissolution” particulars. 

Mutual Fund Rollover Transaction and Termination of the Partnership: 
The General Partner intends to cause the Partnership, prior to its scheduled dissolution date of November 30, 2015, to transfer its assets to the Mutual Fund (as hereinafter defined) on a tax-deferred basis in exchange for redeemable shares of the Mutual Fund, to be distributed to the Limited Partners. The Limited Partners shall be free to redeem some or all of their Mutual Fund Shares (as hereinafter defined) on or after the tax-deferred exchange. The General Partner has been granted all necessary power and authority, on behalf of the Partnership and each Limited Partner, to enter into the Mutual Fund Rollover Transaction (as hereinafter defined) and to implement the dissolution of the Partnership, and after that, to file all elections deemed necessary or desirable by the General Partner to be filed under applicable tax legislation, without any further authorization by the Limited Partners.” 

This is not a question of a holding period, after which it possibly might be advantageous to sell all or part of this or that equity, at some point. Rather, it is specifically spelled out, in advance, that “The General Partner” has the legal obligation to comply with the “scheduled dissolution date.” The fact that the equities in the fund have “short hold periods,” is not only disclosed; it is trumpeted as one of the main advantages. The unstated implication is that long-term commitments are riskier and more onerous than short-term holdings. 

It’s plain how this will play out, so far as the trading activity. First comes Part One, when Fancamp offers new shares, invariably the share price drops (primarily, because Shareholders generally disapprove of dilution). Worse is Part Two, which is defined by the strictly-limited number of days on the calendar that “The General Partner” has to set the detonation charge for the demolition (aka “the dissolution”) of the fund. When all the shares hit the market, all at the same time (or nearly at the same time), the result is what we now have, the obliteration of a rational market price for Fancamp shares. 

All this means to the investors in the Partnership is that their “Unit” has been “rolled over.” As soon as the tax advantage has been nailed down and used up (by the specified date), the General Partner has the authority (without further permission) to roll the money over into the second tax-advantaged fund (described on the Marquest website as a “RRSP-eligible corporate class mutual fund”). 

So far as the original Partnership, there wasn’t even any notice ever given of what stocks were in the fund, in the first place. Bold, all caps, the first sentence of page three reads, “THIS IS A BLIND POOL OFFERING.” So far as the Participants, it is immaterial whether or not Fancamp (or any other named company) was in the offering, or even whether or not there ever existed, on the face of the Earth, such a company as Fancamp. Yet the Participants of all the five active funds (the “Limited Partners” who never heard of Fancamp) are the guys for whose benefit all those tens of millions of Fancamp shares are being sold in such haste and mindless fury.

almost 8 years ago
Re: Lithium prospecting was done in July NOT in early June!!

Hello MaCloud.

You bring up a point that seems to be a small detail, compared to the long-running blunders on the business and money-raising fronts. But, in its way, your point is as well taken as the more obvious failings.

Folks, think about it. If you owned a business (in our case, the Shareholders) and:

(1) You asked an employee to conduct an important investigation (in "early June") and issue a timely report about the results shortly thereafter; and

(2) That employee took his sweet time, conducting the investigation on unspecified days, sometime more than a month later; and

(3) Took more sweet time, not until mid-August (more than two months after "early June"), reporting what he had done;

How would you rate that employee's job performance?

If it were your business (in our case, the Shareholders), under your control, would you not expect (and be entitled to) daily progress reports (if not hourly ones)? If it took more than two months for you to receive even one word about it, how satisfied would you be?

In our case (the Shareholders), we've become accustomed to this kind of thing (and far worse, so far as fundamental mindfulness to do the job). Because carelessness has grown to be the everyday reality, does not mean that we (the Shareholders) should ever be tolerent of it or should ever lose sight of it.

about 8 years ago
Re: TeleProbe.....Where are you ?

Hello Denisbe.

Thank you for your respect for my opinions and for your present curiosity. I read all the messages here everyday (or, occasionally, every other day). I haven’t commented myself recently because I haven’t had much of anything to add to the discussion.

Besides that, sometimes I’m just plain lazy. Usually, when I have something worth saying (which will positively advance the discussion), it requires connecting a series of thoughts together (which means a little effort on my part).

I appreciate everybody who keeps up with developments and makes the effort to do it. I agree with all the sentiments being expressed here. I respect the fact that everybody is in accord, as I am. I thank everybody for their research and the information they spend the time to dig up.

Also, when the posted messages are not tremendously informative, that’s just fine with me. It goes with being human and making human conversation (which is better than my recent silence).

about 8 years ago
Western New York
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