Tbear54's Profile

Tbear54's Posts

Re: problem(very strange)

I deal with CIBC and had no issue getting them, although it did take them day to get me the control #.

almost 12 years ago
Re: My take on the interview

I had a chance to meet Murry and Alice in Regina last week, everything I had heard about them was true. Very genuine people. As I looked around the table and shared a few beer with fellow investors I was struck by the fact by how much we all had in common, just average hard working people (Murry's kind of people) hoping this turns out to be what many of us believe it is! Here is hoping to a little bit more insight come Sunday night!!!

over 12 years ago
Re: basher attack?

Hello everyone, I have been reading on here and SH for over a year, however this is my first post, I was brought into this play by a family member about a year ago and I have also gotten several of my friends involved after reading as much info as possible. I have bought at 2.06, 1.86, 2.15 and 1.07 and plan to buy more this week. It is quite "noble" for all the bashers to spend countless hours trying to save us from ourselves when they have nothing invested in this stock!!! (or so they claim)I have read all the info and it still sounds promising to me and well worth the risk, my gut says this is going to be big, we could be wrong, but we could also be right! Keep up the good work everyone!!


over 12 years ago
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