TVPete's Profile

Retail Business Owner, Consumer Electronics Industry

TVPete's Posts

Reducing our carbon footprint for the future of mankind

I ran into this video on Facebook. It made me feel good to think our company could play a major role in helping to preserve our planet for future generations. In my mind the faster speed was the selling point, power savings was just icing on the cake. Obviously they are both amazing selling points, but my mind is even more intrigued now by the implications of reducing power usage worldwide in so many potential markets.

almost 9 years ago
Re: Sept. 4th thru 10th (OT? you decide)

A new AppleTV could be big. Apple has wanted to be a solution in the TV market. Imagine not needing your cable/satellite company for regular TV. That would be a huge undertaking by Apple, but it is supposedly something big...

about 9 years ago
Re: Sept. 4th thru 10th (OT? you decide)

New Apple TV? Lines up about right Sept 9 release???

about 9 years ago
Technical issues overlooked?

I believe the focus was on the wrong paragraph.

What concerns me is that everyone is focusing on the mechanical issue that was mentioned. The paragraph before that stated technical issues.

"The original milestone timetable was developed based on time estimates for various TECHNICAL issues to be resolved. As these milestones expanded into new areas of development, the technical uncertainties encountered required a greater effort to overcome than originally forecasted. Delays in research and development programs though not desirable are not uncommon when boundaries of science are expanded.

Beyond purely technical issues, the UCONN team had to deal with significant issues related to a new piece of equipment installed in late 2014 that was malfunctioning. This delayed the team’s progress in the last 3 months. The issue was resolved in the last week of March 2015 with the root cause identified as an inappropriate installation by a third party. Appropriate repairs to this equipment have been made.

The team is confident to complete the three milestones over the course of the next quarter."

On the other hand, it states they "REQUIRED a greater effort to overcome" not they "are requiring"... And "the team is confident to complete". They're just all over the place with this!

I don't mean to be negative, but I wanted to shed some light on what I thought was important

over 9 years ago
Will Apple "Rule the World"?

Let me preface this by saying I've disliked Apple for a while. Looking back I'm pretty sure I figured out why, and it's simple. I didn't want to change...

Looking at the situation now, I very much appreciate what Apple is and does. They build products that people want and love (some may say NEED!).

We all know what Apple is known for right now, look at some of the things Apple wants to do/will do/is doing!

They're even looking at AI (artificial intelligence) and although they seem afraid of it right now it just shows the forward thinking they are capable of.

My vision stems from the industry I work in, designing and building smart homes. Imagine all of your technology communicating together. Your car, your mobile devices, your home and ALL of its electronics (HVAC, lights, security, refrigerator, oven, washer n dryer, TV/music, door locks, irrigation system, pool/hot tub, the list is even bigger).

I picture the future may even look something like the Jetson's cartoon I grew up watching. What does this mean? You pull your car into the driveway, the gate opens, lights turn on, garage door opens, thermostat kicks in, music starts, alarm disarms, you walk in the door and Rosie says "Welcome home, George".
You tell Rosie (aka Siri) to turn on Bloomberg and the TV drops out of the ceiling and turns to channel 814. Mean while you get a message on the screen (or audibly from Siri) reminding you to get your clothing out of the dryer, which maybe even started running again to un-wrinkle your clothing.
You know what else happened while you were away? Astro (your dog) didn't make a mess all over the place because your smart home let him outside and even exercised him! How nice, now there's no guilty feeling for not being a good dog owner...

Some of this even scares me, I start thinking about the security side of things. What if someone came in the doggie door? If Quantum Computing is possible and it can break all of our current methods for coding, think of how it could build a better method. Facial recognition, voice activation (bark activation), biometrics. All of these are already in our tech and they will only get better, plus what else will we create?

I'm very excited to see Apple involved and I think they are the right company with the right vision to help drive all of the different verticals in which Poet will be part of.

over 9 years ago
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