TRUMP2016's Profile


TRUMP2016's Posts

Re: Realities of a startup in a trillion dollar world

The company has been publicly traded for a decade. How long does the term "startup" apply? Asking for a friend. Thnx. 

over 7 years ago
Re: What I don't like

One thing I would like to see is a yuge contract awarded to DL who in turn is licensing or using POET tech as a piece of their product. It would be a start.

over 7 years ago
Re: RIP TRAB - End of those dots

Personally, I am not disappointed the TRAB is history. My disappointment lies with news of the disbandment before any scheduled product release/prototype they may have contributed to. Having announced a product developement and explicitely stating the TRAB has met their stated goals would be the only proper way to release this news as a positive. Then again, based on history, what do we expect....

over 7 years ago
Re: PIC Conference Brussels March 7-8

You cant be serious. The only thing he would create for the market is doubt any of these objectives are within reach at this time:

Realizing gains in energy efficiency, component cost and size-reduction through photonic integrated solutions

I just don't get it with some of you people.



over 7 years ago
Re: "Market Manipulation" and Retail Response

You want a coup? I'm in.

almost 8 years ago
Re: New buyer M Partners

Assuming this is true, perhaps now is the time for news and the time to flush these types for good.

"I expect many people may have already completed their tax loss selling and are waiting the required 30 days to start buying back."

almost 8 years ago
New England
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