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TF1's Posts

Annual laser market review & forecast: Where have all the lasers gone?

A nice market review was published at LaserFocusWorld yesterday.

Still POET does not really appear on the RADAR of the laser-world.

over 7 years ago
Re: All roads lead to POET. Diversion ahead?

Please also have a look at this post from vcselrevolution dated 17th of May 2016...

over 7 years ago
Re: All roads lead to POET. Diversion ahead?

Thanks, oz4m2,

after a short screening of these patents it does not look like this is a monolytic integration of a transceiver. Monolytic means: All on one substrate. If not they all will sooner or later run into the latice mismatching problem, thermal stress breaks, alignment issues...

They have to explain how they are doing the "logic" with their InP chip. Without the magic of GTs thyristor I have no idea how they can do that. In these patents they do not explain it, they are just gluing external optical systems to carrier substrates... No, no, no.

But yes, they did a nice job integrating the optical units in one chip. Poet is integrating all optical components of our AOC (VCSEL, logic and receiver)!

over 7 years ago
Re: The Board is back to optimism

No doubt, Jack, selling at 0,50 and buying back at 0,30, this is a clever way of making money.

But please think. Someone else bought at 0,50 and sold at 0,30, right? How stupid, as this guy lost money.
You can be sure, it was not me. Long and strong...

The stock market with these day trading plays is just a method to move around money. 

But money it is only generated as soon as POET earns money and the SP is way up from here. 

over 7 years ago
Re: The Board is back to optimism

OK then, if there is a lot of money to be made -

who will lose this money (as long as POET is not printing  money)?


This is why I have no problem to be long, to buy and to hold. So far I did not lose one cent...

over 7 years ago
Re: Prism Awards 2017 Luxmux video

Nice also to see a simple video explaining compicated technology, like here with the Luxmux spectro.

Why can's we? I hope our time will come.

over 7 years ago
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