T160's Profile

T160's Posts

Re: Lets Do a Tally

Done deal.

almost 12 years ago
Re: NR

Would some of the forum members who are in the know please shed some light on these results. An honest interpretation of the news release would be appreciated. It appears to me that after all of these years of holding onto SLI the light at the end of the tunnel looks very dim.

about 12 years ago
Re: bewilderd

Sorry missed a 1 in my previous post. 110 million shares outstanding.

almost 13 years ago
Re: bewilderd

Snag there is one other thing to consider I think Shore Gold has 190-200 million shares outstanding as opposed to our roughly 10 million.

almost 13 years ago
Re: Im wondering

I deal with RBC direct investing and have always received my SLI proxies.

about 13 years ago
New to the Forum

New to the forum but a share holder for about 6 or 7yrs.

about 13 years ago
Central Alberta
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