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Re: Grizzly Discoveries Inc.'s Information To Be Available Through Standard & Poor's

I wonder what the Griz is up to ??????

First, there is the drill results due out at any moment. Then, there is the potash deal with a company that is virtually invisable, and now, he is putting the company on display with S&P

Curious Hmmmmmm


over 13 years ago
Re: Article on Grizzly Potash

Well..... it looks like the people of Provost Know more than I did. First, it looks like the Griz was in Vancouver for the trade show plus he is working on some sort of deal (confirmed by his e mail to seeingeye jan 28).

Thanks people, you have drawn in more info in the last week than I have seen in months.



over 13 years ago
Re: Grizzly Acquires More Land and Provides Update on Alberta Potash Projec

Thanks Chris you are right, maybe we'll have a couple of chuckles soon.

Patience has never been one of my strong virtues.

drill it and they will come.....


over 13 years ago
Re: Grizzly Acquires More Land and Provides Update on Alberta Potash Projec

True enough Chris

It use to be relatively easy to keep up with what the Griz was doing (thinking), but lately the news updates have seemed to have dried up completely, ie: was GZD in Vancouver this week at the AME round up, how about a estimated time for the drilling results 1 week 1month 1 year ????,What priority is he going to put on these Potash leases and how about the diamonds (remember the diamonds????)

The lack of info is very frustrating. This info may have come out at the AGM but ...I have not seen it.

Griz if you are listening, would you please put out a statment updating a 3 or 6 month plan complete with the milestones GZD hopes to achieve.


over 13 years ago
Re: Grizzly Acquires More Land and Provides Update on Alberta Potash Projec

This is an excellent chance for the Griz to diversify and a possible income earner (not to mention another NR source).

Long term holders of GZD would hope that further dilution of the stock is not required, at least until a positive Greenwood drilling result is published.

Congrats Griz, Keep on drilling


over 13 years ago
Re: 312,000 for Griz in May...so far

Good morning Hotmuck

We all believe in the GZD story, but until the Griz starts pulling a tangible asset from one of his properties, a story is all we have.

And if all the story tellers disappear (especially a sudden disappearance) we have to start wondering why.

Thank you for the phone number I may have to use it, but I prefer to leave him alone to do what he does best without my interruptions.

Stay close Hotmuck


over 14 years ago
Swamp Donkey
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