Superbad's Profile

Superbad's Posts

Re: Interesting little piece of SLI information

That's funny right there!! I would like to thank all contributors to this forum once again. Extremely useful info that makes a guy like myself more confident in this play than ever before... These 16 hr days are killin me, and honestly aren't giving me much time to read the forum much less doing the digging on more info as many of you do for countless hours. Thank you all very much!

about 13 years ago
Re: Is there a prob?

Hopefully the girls who started this will actually listen. Thanks Hog!

about 13 years ago
Re: Is there a prob?

I didnt personally attack anyone. That's why I'm asking what the prob is? I'm not the one calling people whiners.

about 13 years ago
Re: Is there a prob?

And as for Ms. C and Goldenticket, maybe you might consider moving your trash to the off topic forum so everyone else doesn't have to READ IT!

about 13 years ago
Is there a prob?

Wondering why my post was deleted? Everyone else states their opinion but I can't ask for the nonsense BS to move to the off topic forum? Weird. I used to have respect for this board.

about 13 years ago
Re: Interesting tidbit from spruce grove meeting

I like tidbits such as that... Thanks!

about 13 years ago
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