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Re: Apologies to the board re/Caution thread

If we do not get news of the VCSEL by the end of the summer would it be fair to say that POET is having serious technical difficulties?

over 7 years ago
Re: It is human nature to think the worst


In the past wasn’t the VCSEL update scheduled to be within 4-6 weeks after the THM but then we ran into export issues and wafer supplies?  If my memory is correct then we know it doesnt take them long to test the next batch.  From the last update we know that the bottle neck on wafers and permits is over so the VCSEL news "could" be in 2016. 


Not holding my breath as I think it will be sometime Q1 but early achievement would be a nice Christmas bonus.


almost 8 years ago

lets not connect that dot.  lol

almost 8 years ago

I have seen this posted before but I dont see the connection.  Why would we reverse merger into a floundering drug company? 

almost 8 years ago
Re: singapore

What about the possible NRE, maybe we need to raise funds for that. We only had 10 million in the bank, maybe big brother wanted to make sure we have working capital going forward. But why not just say thats what it is for instead of what they did.

almost 8 years ago
Private or Public

People post that the BOD does not have experience with running a public company. Maybe they don’t want to run a plublic company. We have seen management complete incompetence with issuing News and hiding behind NDA excuses for some time now. There is no way this deal went down because they got swindled by the banks, I don’t I don’t believe they are incompetent so why are they doing this?

Is it possible that they are trying to take the company private and away from us faithful share holders? I dont know if this is even possible so I would like to hear from the board.

Here are some observations that could point to this plan from PTK.

  • They keep us in the dark, only providing news when they have to and then make it so confusing we can’t follow what’s happening.

  • They continue to make mistakes in News Releases that make the company look incompetent. Intentional?

  • Issue news on the financing in a manner that would make any stock price fall.

  • Agree with bank to run the stock down and dilute all previous share holders. They could have issued a statement at any time to stop the bleeding but for some reason let the price fall.

I want to believe there is a master plan and this is just another bump in the road. We have the company diluted by 30% but at these levels I could easily increase my position another 30%. My fear is that the Master Plan does not include us. Can anyone tell me why they cannot push us out completely. Obviously there is the dilution and reverse split possibility but can they supprise us again and delist PTK?

almost 8 years ago
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