Stud's Profile

Programmer,volenteer fireman, scouter,Photographer

Stud's Posts

Re: A Perfect Opportunity....

I agree, many have panic and lost their senses true. Now we know!! People that bought-in didn't do their research on the company. People dont have a clue what potential GNH has . Today this created "One big snowball effect" and our SP has fallen. Oportunities are here to buy more shares and I now could afford this SP. I was going to buy more at .86 lol . Thanks to the people that has no faith. For the true faithfull investor bravo hold your head up high.


almost 14 years ago
Re:Hey Anonymous !

The assays are around the corner. Being conservative in judgement .18 increase or 30% from today's hit, Mr anonymous your take would of been $150,000.00 within days from now. By the way Skier your right it is now in stronger hands. I find it funny with the SP up beyond this mark and anonymous sold it today. I believe more the same will happen with time, you must have nerves of steal (mom use to say) in the ventures market.


After the results of the assays g/t and so on come in, what is the next step ? More sampling, assays, and lots of ground breaking ? Enviromental studies done and so on.

How long before would they (GNH) consider starting the open pit ? A year or two...

Maybe someone could comment.



about 14 years ago
Re: Reality

Friends of GNH, we are on solid ground dont forget that! Does the seller has knowledge of what he or she has done? The sell might of been done on grounds of debt owing ect... whatever the cause!! Again, a little scare and everybody has marbles in their mouths, shaking, on what's going to happen tomorow. I know! I'm staying, be possitive, yeah ,yeah in life hickups and bumps seen it more than once. The future is GNH bet on it.


about 14 years ago
Re:Note of interest

For all the persons not invested in GNH as of now, "it's time" . Next week, we will see increases in the SP reason is the site visites, in the pass everybody seem to be coming out with smiles. I believe in this company with the expectations as solid as the ones who runs the show. The essays are coming and it seems just like Christmas, the waiting is killing me.

Cheers, have a nice weekend.


about 14 years ago
Re: Market warning

I listen to a Market talk show at night near Ottawa interesting sometimes. The market analys always say when the greenback takes a kick and oil is down most investers turn to gold investments true.

Now for the humour part:

My philosphy is check out the coffee markets when sales are high people are sitting down and having coffee and talking about the worries of the economy. When beer is sold in droves at the LCBO/Beer Stores good times are here! People are celebrating just as we are going to be doing at Christmas if estimates are at 2$ / S.


about 14 years ago
Re: 100 MT at 3 g/t

For sure assay's will make more chatter. I've been reading the forum and the only remarks I have seen is a positive one, " good carma " If I had a crystal ball " it would be a golden glow like my smile right now.


about 14 years ago
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