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Streetgeorge's Posts

3 Pennies

Oh! Nevermind; there it goes.

over 9 years ago
Re: One Penny!!!

SGR is still not trading according to my RBC screen. Am I missing something?


over 9 years ago

GOOD FIND. Wish I could bring that up on my tablet.

Au= $1600 cad. Not that it makes a lot of difference to San Gold.


over 9 years ago
Three Step Solution

Borrowing $US. in a rising $US/Can. currency market....NOT GOOD!


1) Sell Forward 10,000 oz. every 3 months on Shanghai exchange, for Canadian Dollars. (Or Yuan with currency hedge) Screw the Americans. We do not need their money.(Except to pay interest on those dumbass $US loans). This will give us $15.5mil. Tell Lenders what you are doing. Get their approval as required. Do this 3 or 4 times this year.

2)Re-list on the Venture Exchange. Must Mine- like- hell.

3) Reverse split, 3-for-1 should do it. Find Chinese investor (see Pretium) to buy shares on open market up to whatever %. Sell Gold to Chinese for $Can. (they could probably sell for a premium over the rising gold price).

We must keep all costs in $Can. We must get out of this mess. We are too close to a major gold price explosion to be shut down now. Gold=$1534 Can. I'm thinking over $1600 before end of the month. Just my opinion. I am disgusted with what the Americans are doing in the markets, and in the world.

Obviously this plan would need some fine tuning. Thoughts ALL??


over 9 years ago

You read my mind!!

That totally blows me away.

Where is Bill Fierra, and what does he know? It's like he dropped off the face of the earth.

Bye Bye George. Was that you, Lunch Meat, that posted they should replace GP. with Ian Berzins.

This bullboard is getting spooky in its prescience. Yes, Ian could make an instant hit with a share buy-back now. Even a modest 20,000,000 shares would send a powerful message to the market. Ian, here is your chance to be a "rock star". You could probably arrange a cross for that amount without effecting the price too much.


1) Sell SGX RES. (preferably to Dale)

2) Sell Strike Point claims (preferably to Rick Boulay)

3) Untie Bill F. Find "pencil"

4) Mine some frikken ore.

I.B., You Da Man if you can turn this one around.

Oh, and GP is actually 3 for 3 if you count PDG.

Just Sayin'


over 11 years ago
GP,NCIB before CALS?

Before GP gets the boot, he should do a Normal Course Issuer Bid. Take $30 million of the $50 million, and buy back 100 million shares---and cancel them.

He might get more shares back for our money if there is even a whiff of a hint of a rumour of a class action. Lord knows this outfit is ripe for one.

Let's see:

1.) Sept. 2011- Dale downgrades summer 43-101

2.) Buys Ontario moose pasture

3.) Buys Strike Point moose pasture, ie. Strike Point/RB bailout

4.) Misses every production target for last 5 years

5.) Share price drops from $5.00 intraday high (5/12/10) to 24 cents intraday low (3/1/12)

6.) Downgrades "global" resources in recent management discussion from 4 million ozs. to what...3.6 million?

All off the top of my head, but you get the idea.

Everyone should read Quantums post again.

Maybe the plan is to run this to single digits and buy them all back. I'll still own more than GP, although who will care at that point. Also, watch for GP to hedge production next. That was the final nail in Placer Domes coffin. Remember?

All just my opinion.


over 11 years ago
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