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Seen this all before.

Stock is now hugely oversold. People selling into the market to get a piece of the "Offering" + warrants and that in turn creates weak shares; and understandably so.

That being said, when the offering is complete, the SP will return to pre-sell-off levels as the dilution factor is already more than baked in.

You can read this like a book.

Not worried, frustrated absolutely, but not worried.


almost 8 years ago
110,000 more options converted to shares ON oCT 12TH

Looking forward to the call tomorrow.

110,000 options closer to the end zone.


almost 8 years ago
Re: Support on the bid...

Absolutely not.

If a prospective partner is aware of material information that is not known to the general investment community, it would be classed as "Selective Disclosure".

Potential partner(s) are subjected to NDA's which would also prohibit the purchase of shares in advance of material information becoming public.

It would be illegal.

That is also why I do not believe it is possible for any insiders to buy on the open market at this time; most likely insiders have been on blackout for a long time.


almost 8 years ago
Re: Canaccord 33

You are assuming PC is exercising all his options.

I seriously doubt that.

But that is just my opinion.

almost 8 years ago
Canaccord 33

On Sept 20th and 21st 100,000 options were exercised.

That was the last (as far as I can see) exercising activity and the options that must be exercised before they expire is nigh at an end.

Today Canaccord sold 100,000.

Hopefully that marks the end of this head wind.

If it is the end, then with news expected in October (thereabouts) , with no overhang, we are positioned well for some positive sp movement.

News I am expecting :-

EDB sponsorship

VCSEL completion

First partner NRE

All and each of the above will move the needle.


almost 8 years ago
Re: POET IR E-Mail

This has the signature of the company setting the stage for a significant JV in the future.

Looks like, at last, a large Mega Cap might being circling to take a slice of the company.

I read this as very positive.

NRE's and EDB sponsorship are coming so I do not believe POET needs cash for the sake of cash. But offering up a slice of the pie for a significant JV is stragetically powerful and exciting.

Now we wait.


about 8 years ago
Strategic Trader
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