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Re: Received this explanation from Agoracom


Static IP address means the Internet Provider (ex: Telus, Rogers, or Shaw) give the customer a specific IP address that they will always use.

Dynamic (DHCP) IP address means the customer grabs a random IP address from Internet Provider's "hat" so to speak. The customer will use that IP address for a set amount of time (ex: 24hrs or longer) before they have to grab another random IP address from the Internet Provider's "hat".

For Hotels, Public Wireless, Home Networks, etc... the Internet Provider gives them an IP Address (either Static or Dynamic). The Hotel (for example) piles as many guests as it can on the same IP address. So in your Hotel reference in another post, any Agoracom user at the hotel would indeed "appear" to be the same user, because the same IP address is being shared. Think of it as car pooling with IP addresses instead of car's.

I suspect this will be seen a lot during the AGM, since people will be at the same hotel.

Hope that makes sense.

almost 13 years ago
Re: Attention hub leaders

Hub Leader is more like a leading a volunteer effort. They do it for free during their own personal time. Yes, people rely on them, but I think comparing to a job loses the true sacrifice they make for the board.

I also agree with Mrscramer. No one should should be subject to abuse. It makes it even worse when all they are trying to do is help people.

almost 13 years ago
Re: unanswered questions

Thanks for posting this, Sculpin. It explains the emotional side that can be hard to put into words for others. I have been on that "rollercoaster" in the past.

I respect you and other dedicated posters who have your own "rollercoaster rides" and tend to get brought into other people's as well.

No matter how patient/experienced a person is, this wears on anyone emotionally over time.

I think it all comes down to one of your comments and another I saw recently from a poster in a few posts:

  • We have done our part. It is management's turn to do theirs.

  • Do not over-analyze things. (As you mentioned, this tends to lead you around in circles)

From my point of view, I look at things like "Travel Expenses" and "no new news" asking 1 question "How does this effect me staying invested?" So far, 100% of the things I have asked that question for have had the answer "it doesn't." so I let the rollercoaster go on without me.

Sure some things might effect how much "return" I get on the investment, which I do some DD on or ask questions (like my acquisition question), but it doesn't effect me staying invested because of all the DD I did before investing.

almost 13 years ago
Re: Keeping your eyes on the Prize

Very nice post, Sculpin.

The stock market fluctuations do not always reflect how companies are doing but how investors are feeling.

I believe one of the reasons the SLI stock is not fluctuating dramatically is because of investors like I see on these forums who understand this and keep their eye on the long term.

These same investors go out of their way to actively boost the knowledge and confidence of other investors with logic and data, adding to the number of investors who are invested in SLI for the long term and won't be effected by stock market panic.

almost 13 years ago
Re: Another aquisition


Your first paragraph was my experience in the past, which is why I mentioned my past in my first response. I wasn't trying to imply "cream vs shaft" for SLI management, just more voicing my past experiences and wondering if anyone had talked to SLI about it.

Unfortunately I was confused when writing my first post and ended up incorrectly separating company acquisition and property sales as being drastically different. At the time, Company acquisition looked like the "cream vs shaft" scenario you mention and I have experienced. I am new to investing in companies with "property" sales as a major aspect, so I associated property sales with everything I have read on the board and the DD I have done so far which was highly positive, which made the 2 seem drastically different at the time.

Sculpin helped clear up my confusion with the numbers when he responded to my post.

I had read the information in your second paragraph a few times in other posts, but I had only seen it in reference to avoiding takeovers and not in the way you just mentioned, thanks.

Everything is clear [for now :) ], so thanks all who responded to help clarify things.

about 13 years ago
Re: Another aquisition


Thanks for clarifying. I was just a little confused between the article, responses and research I have done, but this clears it up.


Thanks. I have been reading the forums for a month (just before I invested), but I tend to avoid joining sites unless I have something to add or ask, because I am more of the quiet type. :)

I am new to the gold investment front. I was just confused between what I was reading in the article and what Sculpin mentioned about BNN saying about $ per ounce, so I incorrectly got the impression that Property sale and Company Acquisition were drastically different. Property sale I based on information gained from researching SLI (very good), but company acquisition I instinctively based on past bad experiences which came to mind from the confusion. Sculpin's responce to my post cleared up the confusion I was having.

So it was mostly a post based on confusion. :)

The fact that I invested in SLI means I have complete faith in the technical/data aspects and a good feeling about how management handles things, but trust in management is something that is typically built over time, so I am not at the point I have total confidence/trust in them though I am optimistic I will get there in the future.

about 13 years ago
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