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Re: Solution

Will that work when it is a hubleader/moderator breaking the rules? Will Agoracom hold their own accountable for their actions? Or will the persons reporting the violations be intimidated and banned?

over 7 years ago
Re: we do not have proof that....


Another one, all chatter and no substance. If Lori has been "caught with documentation", post it. I call your bluff!

And you clearly do not understand law and court if you think fraud is a simple case of showing that a person told a lie. You would be a lifer in the vertical bars if it were that simple. Just imagine if another round of drilling proved beyond a doubt that Tesoro is a waste land. You will have to explain 7-8 years of lies to a court room!

over 7 years ago
Re: we do not have proof that....

"Quantic said they had no contact with SLI management for the last eighteen months,at that time!"


I assume that you have a written statement to that effect from Quantec? Please scan and post it. It still would not be fraud!


"The Proof has been documented,many know of this!"


No proof has ever been documented about wash trades. The only thing we know is that someone was very smart in dumping shares prior to the bad results (trading on insider information). The fact of the matter is that there are 1000's of retail investors and unless you subpoenaed the trading records from each institution for each retail trade on the days in question then you have no proof. RBC to RBC or TD to TD as example could be person A selling to person B. It proves nothing. So I assume that based on your confidence someone has subpoenaed the trading records for these traders FROM the banks (LOL). Please post your proof that you have done this. Trading on insider information is highly probable. Wash trading is very unlikely.


"Withholding that information is fraud without a doubt!"


No, not really. In some cases it might be but not all. Do you have proof that Lori personally had a financial gain by withholding said information?




"Selling this property to the CEO's former business partner for a ''small fraction'' of the true value,without shareholder approval is fraud! This transaction required a vote from the shareholders,that is the law!"


That might be fraud. I assume that because you have called it a fraud you have already had a third party give you and independent evaluation of that property? So you can post that evaluation for us to read and compare the value with what the property sold for? Buying and selling insignificant properties does not require shareholder approval.


This is not a game. If you want to accuse someone of being a criminal you best be able to back it up with more than lip service!


over 7 years ago
Re: we do not have proof that....

Thanks. I will try.

over 7 years ago
Re: we do not have proof that....

"Do you think Lori telling the shareholders at the 2011 AGM ''they were working with Quantic on a daily bases'' This was a lie, is that not ''fraud'' ?"

Who said it was a lie? A lie is not in and of itself a fraud.

All the wash trading that took place after the particial drill results were released, is that not''fraud'' ?

Who has proof of wash trading? If there was it would be manipulation.

The drilling azimuths that were not included and have NEVEN been realeased,is that not ''fraud''?

No, not releasing azimuths is not a fraud.

Selling of the Cueva Blanca Gold Property ''Without Shareholder Approval'' is that not ''fraud'' ?

No, that is not a fraud.


Not being fraud does not make it okay. But you can't make things up just because you are upset. Now if you can show that Lori personally benefited financially from these actions then you have a case for fraud. Otherwise, the horse is dead. It is ready to be packaged and sold as ground beef!

over 7 years ago
Re: New Board Request

Thank you Agoracom. This has been suggested by other posters previously but some posters refuse to respect the rules. I guess we will deal with it.

over 7 years ago
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