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Re: R U Kidding


I do hope that in due time the security commission(s) wakes up to what has been going on. This is just way over the top to be ignored. I have heard them hide behind their own rules for way to long about scammers brought to their attention and not acting because it is not there jurisdiction or responsibility. There is no excuses here for in action.

Just my opinion.


over 11 years ago
R U Kidding

I am shocked but not surpised by the results as Lori is Lori.

Could some one repost the links to the various authorities ie BC, AB and TO Securities commissions along with the RCMP.

As this just goes way beyond...anything.


over 11 years ago
Re: New NR

Another 18-24 months, plus require additional capital. Lorri where is the money? Where are the other results?


almost 12 years ago
Re: Reality Check

So would that leave her as President? Also, is she hired through her management company to sli? Or is she an employee of sli?


almost 12 years ago
Re: Reality Check

This vote only gets Lori off the Board of Directors (I think)?

She will still be the President and CEO of the company. I don't think she will have the decency to resign. So then will the new board terminate her or would it be terminating the service contract of her management company?


almost 12 years ago
Re: Lori's Selling

My thoughts on Lori's selling is that there will be a reverse split on the shares.

Just a guess.


almost 12 years ago
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