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The deadline according to this News release is July 6, 2010!

about 14 years ago
Re: we got screwed... but it doesn't

Where's Snugthejoiner, rationalize this move! Thought it was a leastworth .50/share? you always seem to be in touch with the powers that be, why aren't they issuing a statement? Neil's commnent in the release advising support for the offer of .19/share sucks! Explain to us why they recommend it and don't give us the crap that's all there is, maybe their golden parachutes should be divulged.

about 14 years ago
Re: I have held spq since 1998ish

Me too! Neil doesn't even have the balls to make a statement to us with even an apology for this utter bull--it!!

about 14 years ago
Re: The only thing that makes sense to me

Looks like Neil Novak sold us down the River for his own personal gain, CLF's probably paid the 2.3 million and gave him such a sweet deal he couldn't pass it up! Little guy gets screwed again!!

about 14 years ago
Re: It's not about "Do they want to pay more? but rather can they afford to?"

So we are supposed to feel sorry for CLF's?

Don't go shopping for a multi million dollar house if you can only afford to pay 900,000!!

about 14 years ago
Re: It's not about "Do they want to pay more? but rather can they afford to?"

So we are supposed to feel sorry for CLF's?

Don't go shopping for a multi million dollar house if you can only afford to pay 900,000!!

about 14 years ago
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