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Speed demon's Posts

Re: Mr. Andrews Allegations

Lol, hyrks, I say a ton of rumours starts with an ounce of truth! With a track record like that, I often wonder how she keeps her job? And why does she hang on to it while we are worth only pennies? It's because she knows what's there, she didn't realize so many shareholders do their homework as well, and are not as clueless as she thinks. Her true colours are shown especially after the court battle, and her days are numbered. I'm holding on, Mr. Andrews may have been venting in his remarks, and I think in time he won't be the only one speaking out.


about 11 years ago
Re: TTAGIT signs NDA with Microsoft

As far as Im concerned, she has too many irons in the fire, and will never excel in any given one. What she has to understand is who it is affecting...us as shareholders and her reputation in the exchange. IMO


over 11 years ago
Re: Next Court Action

Very good point!

Another question is: are we a mining company or exploration company? A choice of words she didn't bother correcting...


over 11 years ago
Re: New Release

It seems lately she has completely lost focus on what the shareholders invested in, as for me, I invested in a resource play, not court battles. I did not invest in avenging her personal grievance. Does she not realize who's money she's really playing with? I hope the courts see through the smoke screen she has created, rather than looking at deformation of character, look at the 91% of the votes and say does she and the BOD belong there in the first place? IMO


over 11 years ago
Re: Enlighten us

I'm a new poster but I have owned a number of shares, and have done my own DD. quite frankly I have read what you have posted. When you look in the mirror and see bush boy, chances are you'll come up with a wrong answer every time. Just like the majority of us we have tried to talk to the CFO, and no one answers. So unless you have something concrete, don't criticize the people that are trying to make things right. It's going to be a waiting game, and I'm all in to the end because I do believe this is going to be one heck of a resource play. IMO .


over 11 years ago
Re: Waiting pattern

Hey SunSeeker
This is my first time on this forum, but not my first time investing.I've investing in this stock a while back now, only to see it dwindle down to nothing. What optomism do you hsve of this company rebounding? Why would you want to invest in something that is keeping us in the dark?


about 15 years ago
Speed demon
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