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Spec-U-Later's Posts

A Business Opportunity Re-Presented

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A Business Opportunity

Hello all,

I would like to re-present a business opportunity to the edig OT Forum. I reckon some of you know who I am and what I did with “774”, but that's another story, I first presented this Opp to DICHINO because of who he is, and his 37 years in electrical contracting. He is more than interested. If you too have interest in what follows, please read on feel free to contact him and/or myself.

What follows is a single page Press Release introducing you to my and the company's background, and the upcoming opportunity, and a four page Proposition & Plan. Unfortunately, we cannot include a two page Spreadsheet (.xlsx) showing the numbers and payout. Nor, a picture of the product and it's logo (.jpg's). This because we cannot attach them to this post.

If you wish to receive hard copies of what follows plus the Spreadsheet, the Picture, and Logo my email address is stbrightbill@pelicanworx.com, or call me at 858.776.2359.

Thank you,

Steve Brightbill

Director of Business Development



PelicanWorx is pleased to announce that business development and marketing veteran Steve Brightbill has joined the company as Director of Business Development, where he will bring his considerable expertise in product development, marketing, dealer relations, etc. to bear on new products. "Steve and I created a successful software company, Brightbill-Roberts, and helped bring about the PC revolution," said Ron Roberts. "He's been working in the background on product development and the business plans, and we're glad to bring him fully on board."

Now for the real news: Pelican Worx located in Vero Beach, FL has joined up with TEMC located in Melbourne, FL to create a product thatmeets a very important need. The project is GenSentinela 24/7 around the clock remote monitoring device for backup power generators. Featuring, immediate and proactive notifications to both the customer and their service provider whenever something looks wrong, GenSentinel insures that when the lights go out your generator is ready and able to start up immediately.

Climate change and increasingly violent weather is on everyone's mind these days, and backup power is a burgeoning business. Once these generators are installed, however, its tempting to forget about properly monitoring and maintaining the system. Pelican Worx along with TEMC has been developing a flexiblealert system that can be installed on any brandof permanently installed backup power system, and provide a service that the generator owner cannot achieve himself – namely 100% around the clock attention to the proper functioning of that generator so that it will be ready when called to duty.

Brightbill is eager to launch GenSentinel. "We're pleased and proud to be introducing this product at a critical time and point in the industry's growth," he says. "Customer awareness has never been higher, and industry responsiveness has never been more important." Brightbill added that Pelican Worx has several other projects under early development that are also in the Internet of Things (IoT) technology segment, that will be equally as exciting.



The Proposition & Plan

Dear Interested Party,

After about 2 years of thought and discussion I've now joined Ron Roberts’ software firm Pelican Worx LLC as Director of Business Development in August of this year. Ron and his partner Darren Mossman are in Vero Beach FL. I am in Oceanside CA. The other 2 players are in Oakland, CA and The Canary Islands. Modern collaboration tools have allowed us to put together a stellar team in spite of our diverse locations.

We recently just launched our website, http://www.pelicanworx.com. Please take a look. We are quite proud of it, and it will get better over time. It also speaks of volumes of experience. We will also be launching a PR campaign that we think will be of interest to some older and newer writers. The website will also bring you up you date on our backgrounds and experiences since the Brightbill-Roberts era.

Ron has come across a project for a company he has done work for in the past. Although we have looked at some projects that didn’t seem very exciting, this one is just the opposite. It’s very exciting, and there’s an opportunity to share in the revenue generated. We will explain how and hopefully pique your interest.

The project is called GenSentintel. The product is an alert system for permanently installed standby electrical generators for homes and businesses. The manufacturer of the GenSentintel device is Gen-Sentintel Systems LLC located in Melbourne, FL and run by William Thompson, Managing Partner (Bill). There is a first generation GenSentinel device that has been selling well for the last 18 months through two dealers in the Miami area. This current project involves building the second generation of that device and giving it a modern messaging infrastructure along with smartphone/tablet apps and a revamped web site. The new device will sell for $350 and wholesale for about $250. And there is a maintenance fee of approximately $100 a year, usually billed to the end user as part of an annual service contract and paid in advance.

Its a great time to be in the generator business. Concerns about extreme weather brought on by global warming and the recent hurricane in the North East have fueled a boom for the manufacturers. It has been estimated that the home market alone is growing by 17% per year. The primary manufacturers of generators these days are Generac, GE, Briggs & Stratton and Kohler, but there are many others: Caterpillar, Cummins, Detroit Diesel, etc. All appear to be very successful. The GenSentintel works with them all.

Bill has had it in his mind for some time to upgrade the system and move into the larger market, but it wasn’t until he met Ron Roberts and worked with him that the plan fell into place. It was time to strike a deal to bring the alert system into the modern world. A Smartphone/Tablet app coupled with a messaging infrastructure that can scale-up quickly to any level of need is going to enable the GenSentinel to be sold and installed nationwide and ultimately internationally. Pelican Worx and Gen-Sentinel Systems have negotiated a Written Agreement regarding this matter.

Our marketing effort will be signing up new dealers for the device. There are about 100 of these dealers in South Florida which is where the effort will begin. To give you a better idea there are approximately 1,500 within 100 miles of New York City, 500 in around Chicago, Boston 500, New Orleans 150, Atlanta 100, Dallas 75, LA 100, San Francisco 60, and lots in between. And it is expected the dealer base will grow because of the extreme weather in many parts of the country.

We expect that the sales process may take as much as 60 days to consummate. Especially in the early days of the effort, signing a dealer will involve a visit during which we will install an evaluation device on the dealer's own generator. The dealer will be able to see the device and service in action over the next 30 to 60 days and become aware of how this product will enhance their business as well as the customer's experience.

Once the marketing and sales effort is refined, we will take it to the next level. I will begin recruiting a national network of Manufacturer Reps that specialize in these types of sales. I will manage the Reps, but their commissions will be paid by GenSentintel Systems. Our own team will be focused on exploring the potential offered by dealer networks run by Home Depot and Lowes. And then, of course, there is the entire rest of the world to consider perhaps late next year.

Here’s the situation and plan:

The two existing Miami dealers originally approached Bill several years ago because their main suppliers (i.e. the generator manufacturers) began to offer alert systems., but in a way that seriously disadvantaged the dealer. The dealers were expected to sell them as an up-sell to customers who would then need to register with the manufacturer for the notification service. But this arrangement, in effect, put the Dealer's customers in direct contact with the manufacturer and made the dealers mere middlemen responding to problems with the generator reported by the manufacturer. It also gave the generator manufacturer the ability to make direct offers to the dealer's customer while cutting them out of the loop.

Understandably concerned, the dealers who approached Bill wanted to maintain their direct and exclusive relationship with their customers without the manufacturer’s interference. Armed with Bill’s original alert system they were able to sell this device and service to their customers and greatly enhance the customer's product experience while adding new revenue to their bottom line. The new generation GenSentintel Alert System will greatly enhance this effort, and we believe make it very attractive to new dealers.

Now, here’s where things begin to get interesting. When the new product is ready by the end of 2014, Bill and Ron will call on 2-3 mid-sized dealers to get their feet wet, and then move on to the top 5 dealers out of the other 100 or so dealers in Southern Florida. Meanwhile I will begin calling on the middle to top tier dealers in Southern CA as well.

Advantages to the new dealers are many, but here are perhaps the three most important. First, we are an independent monitoring and notification service. We keep the generator manufacturer's nose out of their business and their customer base. Second, we give them a chance to brand the app and the device itself (OEM) with their message and allow them to advertise via a small bitmap on the status screen of the app. They will be able to change this bitmap banner ad at will whenever they have a new offer to present. And last, unlike the manufacturer's monitoring product, the dealer will be able to mark up the yearly fee making it much more lucrative to sell our solution.

Here is a list of things reported to the notification service (and therefore to dealers and their end users):

Low/No Notification priority

Daily Status: Generator Run Hours, Cranking Battery voltage, Fault line status, Fuel Level (extra charge)

High Priority notification messages

Generator Fault

Your generator has been running for more than 30 minutes

Your cranking batter has failed the load test when starting

Your generator has failed to exercise (supposed to happen weekly)

Low Battery notification (triggered by daily report)

Generator still has Fault status (triggered by daily report)

Lower Priority notifications:

Generator Fault cleared

Generator Cranked up

Generator Shut down

Maintenance Reminder (based on run time)

In the apps and on the web site we will show them certain system statistics on the Status page and also give them a history page where they can see significant events over time.

The Bottom Line:

Pelican Worx is performing the software development required on speculation. In return they will receive $48 per unit sold each year from the maintenance fee collected by GenSentinel Systems. It is expected that fees will be collected every year for an average of 7 years. The service fee will also entitle end users to free software updates for the duration as they occur.

To uphold its end of the bargain Pelican Worx needs a $130k investment by the end of the year. The attached GenSentintel Spreadsheet shows our conservative projections. It also shows how we can pay you back 1 of 2 ways; 18% simple interest compounded monthly, or we can pay you $4.80 per unit-year from the compensation Pelican Worx receives every year for the life of the product. As the spreadsheet shows, this should yield a substantially greater return.

The attached 2-page spreadsheet is very conservative, and we think the numbers could and will grow substantially. The forecast is based on the prior sales experience of the first two dealers over the past 18 months. Of these two dealers, one can be considered on the small side while the other, larger dealer is about average size. We have based our numbers on these real-world experiences, but you should be aware that the largest dealers of this type can be many times the size of the original dealers. We think the opportunity is very exciting with our conservative forecast, but there is the potential that it could be much larger than depicted.

Over the next year Pelican Worx plans to broaden its scope and impact. These are exciting times and it wants to avoid a direct equity investment. Ron and I look forward to hearing from you.


Stephen T. Brightbill

Director of Business Development

almost 10 years ago
My correct EM

I can't believe I made this mistake. My email correct address is stbrightbill@pelicanworx.com.

almost 10 years ago
A Business Opportunity

Hello all,

I have a very real business opportunity, and you folks deserve one. I first presented it to Dischino because if his electrical background. He thinks it's very positive, and is more than interested.

If you would like to receive the information please email me. My email address is stbrightbill@pelicanworks.com. You will receive information about my background, the company, the Plan & Proposition, and the 1 page spreadsheet explaining the payout.

Thank you,


almost 10 years ago
Reinstatment & An Apology

Hello All,

Yes, I have been reinstated. I applied and Dischino and others went to bat for me. Many thanks to all.

The purpose of this post is to apologize to all for my inappropiate post that resuted in my being banned. No excuse, just simply the way it was. I had just undergone my 3rd Hip Surgery: The 1st 2.5 years age was a left hip Resurfacing that never took. I was flattered into it. The 2nd was full left hip Replacement on 4/14/14 with a new and very competent Surgeon. The 3rd was a full right hip replacment that had over compensated for the left far too long on 7/17/14 with the same new Surgeon. Both of the latest sugeries went very well. However when I last posted, I was on some pretty serious pain meds. I should have never posted anything, I regret it, and again my apologies.

I am back mainly to observe, but rest assured any need for a future post will be very respectful of all of you, and the rules.

It's good to be back,


almost 10 years ago
The Truth Perhaps

Hello all,

I haven't posted in awhile. but I have observed.

In short, I think that edig will continue to do quite well financially based upon Haskel's efforts and collaberation. The new GoPro hearing will prevail in edig's favor, I predic and so what.

edig has become a patebt troll with ligimate patents. I reckon this game, athough perhaps rightess, will run out in time. No one is interested. The stealing of patents is cheaper than licening.



about 10 years ago
Re: The RFM Story & Who I am

The article appeared yesterday. Fred and I are not friends, but we far more than aquaintences. I hired him in 1994. May have been my bad, but he and RP kept the ball rolling.

almost 11 years ago
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