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Governments and Gold

Wondering what everyone's thoughts are on the comments that inflation is being controled by "the cooking of the books". It has been discussed here that it may take a government to purchase SLI when we have our world class gold find.



over 12 years ago
The Times have changed

IMO I wonder if Lori hasn't changed with the times. Maybe when she was heavily in the game everything was done by phone calls. The point of her scolding us on chat boards, may represent that she just hasn't kept up with technology. Today everyone uses multimedia to remain in the know. Blogs, texting, internet, all these are how investors check on investments and try to get as much information as possible. Yes you can get good and bad info, that is up to the individual to decide which info he/she wants to believe or not. Info and intel come in different forms those that can stay ahead will benefit, those that do the DD will also benefit. But if you remain in the dark don't expect the world to be the same when you turn on the light. Especially when it's blinding light from the glitter of gold.


over 12 years ago
Re: Buy Prior to Monday

For good news $20.00 will be cheap. LOL


over 12 years ago
Re: Interesting

Thanks Vimar I was unaware of that.


over 12 years ago
Re: Interesting

Keep in mind that he also sits on as a director with IGD and this has not changed. If things went that bad, would you still stick it out with the identical crowd on another company. IMO, I think he is still part of SLI and will help us to the end.



over 12 years ago
Re: Activity for this week

Thanks Sculpin and Bow for the insight and explanation. Have a great weekend everyone.


over 12 years ago
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