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Small Potatoe's Posts

Re: Facts


Your point #2 about the warrants is incomprehensible, if the company needs the 17 million 5 years from now, this company will be an unmitigated disaster . The warrants are a gift , the fact you have 5 years to use them shows how desperate management was to get the proceeds.

almost 8 years ago
Re: Copetti

I don't really know what's going on but Coppetti is not a long term solution for Poet. Also I believe Kevin Barnes executed managements wishes in arranging the financing, how do you know he totally agrees with the terms? But if your management and BOD says get the money period, your hands are tied.

almost 8 years ago
Re: Axe and Slash

Schnauzer, that was the most coherent post I ever read on the forum. Thank you very much, I was talking with a person in the know and he mentioned that they had to take the deal on the table, it's just that the deal got progressively worse as the selling kept perpetuating itself. They must really need the money for something.

On another note maybe they don't want to give epiworks the final recipe for the epitaxy as you don't want your rivals having direct access to your secret sauce, maybe all this delay is to buy another wafer supplier and keep it in house?


almost 8 years ago
Re: Copetti

Copetti? Would you believe anything that guy says?

Sorry, but listening to him is like being put in a round room and told to go in ther corner!

almost 8 years ago
Re: Skin in the game

What makes you think the company will set the strike price well above it's current price, they haven't done that the last 2 years that I've seen them handed out. They set them at or slightly above their current trading price.

It would be a great sign to us shareholders if they actually set the price for ex to $1.75 from where it's currently trading, that would get me excited.


over 8 years ago
Re: Increase of Options

If they want to bring someone new who adds value, they may need to give them options, that's one thing but I'm tired of people getting bonuses for nonperformance in the share price, while we with our hard earned dollars at stake, are losing money, they should let us know what the plan is, maybe they'll get a yes vote, but currently with the typical lack of info in their disclosure, I'm agreeable to the NO side.

Enough of the gorging at the trough!


over 8 years ago
Small Potatoe
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