Slavetothegrind's Profile

Slavetothegrind's Posts

Re: Gold manipulated

Once again I question the motives of a poster in this room. I find it a little humourous (or pathetic) that you feel the need to question Sculpins credibility and thought process, and yet less than 12 hours ago you told us you were done with this forum and leaving. He was asked a question and answered it in his honest we all know. Why don't you work on your own credibility, stick to your words, and move along. IMO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FYI this morning I put on my big boy pants, and decided to stay the course with this investment. Some others will buy, some will's their choice, so feel free to let us enjoy "drinking the coolaid" and go rescue a kitten from tree.

over 12 years ago
Re: OK I'll ask

My vote for the third time is SCULPIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

over 12 years ago
Go to person

I said it before and I'll say it again, Sculpin has my vote as the person to be in contact with management (assuming there is even a vote to be had). Anyone who attempts to garner respect and attention by smearing others isn't worth my time, effort, or respect.............Only one of you has been around this board for any amount of time and has provided consistent info and opinions, while never attempting to get some time in the spotlight. My personal opinion is that Gumby would be better off on the other board with the other ego strokers. Just my opinion.........long on SLI *S*.

over 12 years ago
Re: What now

My apologies if I'm mistaken, but I thought Sculpin was going to be the point of contact for the board and would provide updates so as not to have too many individuals trying to obtain information and overloading management with redundant inquiries?

Personally, my vote is to have him dealing with my questions/concerns.

over 12 years ago
Re: Anonymous buying

This is a perfect time for anyone IN THE KNOW to accumulate.......think of the flip side of everyone selling...............someone has to buy....just my opinion. Long on SLI!

over 12 years ago
Level II

Would someone mind posting the level II for this morning? Thanks.

over 12 years ago
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