Skier59's Profile

Skier59's Posts

Re: News!

You know that's an odd one wishing. I know great skiers that can ski the most extreme terrain double black diamond runs after smoking pot, and yet they will never drink even 1 beer when skiing. They admit that any alcohol makes them less quick and sloppy, but pot does not affect their timing ability to perform at the highest level. There are pharma drugs which are far more dangerous behind the wheel than any pot smoker.

over 9 years ago
Re: mess

Would it not be better to license the technology?

over 9 years ago
Re: mess

Yes, I was there and I remember we did meet. Thankfully for me I didn't lose much on that, sad it never worked out that GNH. The great thing about TLT in my opinion, is that if this does work, one will not need a huge amount of shares to achieve some important financial goals in ones life. I would suspect as we get closer to human trials there will be alot of attention on us. I'm making sure to book some profits this summer as we go into trials, and these prices are really cheap in my eyes, so I add a few every couple of weeks on payday. I'm trying to accumulate more shares in my trading account for a score this summer.

over 9 years ago
Re: mess

So, who can post all the NR's on this board ? Let's see if we can create a good board for investors ! Atleast on this board we can stop the nonsense that goes on at SH. The SH board has become so ridiculous, anybody trying to get some real honest information about the company would puke reading that board. I want to have a nice clean board discussing the business opportunities going forward and any ideas that might help our investment. I have had direct email contact with Roger, and I truly believe he has the Investor's best interest in consideration. Again, I will state that I do this as a hobby an independant investor, and my holdings are far fewer than many of those posted at SH, today I hold 68,000 shares and my core position is 50,000 shares. So my plan is to play the trading game with 18,000 shares when the time is right.

over 9 years ago
Re: mess

It is a total mess over at SH. corvette I didn't know you have been in TLT for 6 years, but it is good to hear there are some long term investors that have stayed the course. Those guys over at SH have ruined the board which was at one point a pretty good board to follow. If you look at the reads now it looks like the readership quantity has been dropping. For sure there are a few that are there only to create doubt and disrupt any intelligent conversation. They are extremely annoying individuals that group.

over 9 years ago
Re: a major scientific discovery

Totally, this is so cheap in my opinion. Let's compare what we have to PBYI.

over 9 years ago
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