Sir Hope-a-lot's Profile

Sir Hope-a-lot's Posts

Congratulations to Johnyreg

Congratulations Johny, on getting married. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy. All the best to you and your fiancé.

Good Luck to you


almost 8 years ago
Public vs private companies

I may regret this.

Let's imagine a couple of skits on Saturday Night Live, illustrating the difference between Publicly traded and Privately owned companies.

Skit One:

Random Publicly Traded company reporting: "Everything we say is a "forward Looking Statement"".

Accountability: 0 Inscrutability: 1

Skit Two:

Random Privately owned company (let's say, for example, owned by the Emirate of Abu Dhabi) reporting: "Everything we say is a forward looking..."

E of AD: Whoa! F%$k that. WHERE are we, and Where are we going. And we want the answers NOW!

Accountability: 1 Inscrutability: 0

GLAL Somewhere Over the Rainbow

almost 8 years ago
Re: Tea leaves

Morning star, your username is extremely well chosen. You are like a ray of light through a murky fog


What can I say? Nice balance between group misery and group optimism. You know, there's a writing future for you. I know your age and i used to know a very well known Canadian writer, who lived into his nineties. So you have the time. And a writing career would edge out "Walmart Greeter'... if your investments don't pan out I mean.

"God bless us, every one" ...Tiny Tim.

almost 8 years ago
Re: The way I read it Jets

I agree.

And how is that tempering working out for them?

"As part of the confidentiality clause of the agreement, POET is prohibited from disclosing specifics regarding the supply order or scope of the partnership."

Who are they trying to kid. A deal with a private start-up and they can't disclose details regarding the supply order. Sheesh.

Go.... whoever.

almost 8 years ago

It looks like being long POET,


being looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong POET.

I hope my daughter's grandchildren will derive some benefit. By then the dominant technology should be pointed sticks and rocks.

Go Longs.

almost 8 years ago
Re: Nothing has been clarified on the website :-(

Rainer, you are one, 'very together' dude.

very best


almost 8 years ago
Sir Hope-a-lot
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