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Spoke to Ron Perry

Just spoke to Ron Perry and here is what I found:

-They still have not received the report (so there goes my beer), I mentioned whether we could expect it in July and he said he is still hopeful to have it out by end of month.

-There will be more drilling after this at Barry, he said they will outline the structure with this 43-101, it is open in every direction, so they will drill to increase measured and indicated numbers.

- I asked why we had not heard about Bachelor in sometime, and whether we would see soil from Bachelor mixed with Barry by end of summer as promised. While he mentioned a number of things they have done at Bachelor, he said that they are a small company and have a limited budget. Because of the good numbers at Barry, They have concentrated their efforts there. I personally don't think Bachlor will come online by end of summer...

- Again, he was very enthusiastic about Barry, and mentioned a number of geologists have taken a look at it and all believe there is something big there...

- The 700 and 704 bars that were produced were from two seperate weeks. I asked if production was constantly at that level and he said no, we just wanted to show what we were capable of. He said he cannot say how mauch they are producing every week.

-I mentioned that the company financials indicate they need money, so another PP must be on its way shortly. He said they had a lot of warrants in place at .65 cents and we will have to see what happens.

I certainly hope they can deliver on what they have been saying about Barry...



over 14 years ago
Re: News Release Date Guesstimate

OK, how about a real beer... :)

over 14 years ago
News Release Date Guesstimate

So many deadlines have come and gone for this 43-101 that it is not funny... But this is mining and instead of getting mad, how about a friendly wager when the news will finally be released. The winner will get a cyber beer from the board... I say June 22 will be the release date, what say you?

over 14 years ago
Jay Taylor on BNN and an interesting comment

An interesting comment by Jay when talking about MTO, he mentions that they have a million and a half ounces up there... or something like that... I wonder if that was a slip... Will the 43 101 show 1.5 mil ounces? :)

over 14 years ago
3 more bus. days left...

With only three more business days left in May, one begins to wonder if they will be late yet again. I certainly hope not... the market climate is not too favorable lately and another delay may punish the stock...IMO



over 14 years ago
Re: Low valuation

Raffles, you wrote:

"My instinct, arising from the extensive drill results, and the volume of ore within in the drill area, could very well exceed 1m ozs (Measured and Inferred)."

I certainly hope your insticts are correct. It is interesting you say that. I had tried on my own to figure it out, but the map on their website is not updated so you don't know if all the good drill results are coming from a small location or are separated by some distance; which makes all the difference...

over 14 years ago
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