Silverstone's Profile

Silverstone's Posts

Havilah spinoff soon?

I believe it was Mrs Cramer that had posted a while back that a typical timeframe for a spinoff was 3-6 months. If the AGM was Day 0 then we are getting close to the 3 month point.

Looking forward to the spinoff being completed.


over 12 years ago
Re: Drill program expanded to 20,000m

Is field sample testing a reliable enough method to make the decision to double the drilling program and extend the trenching? Perhaps the field observations and field sample testing are strong enought evidence to allow mgmt to make these decisions without requiring laboratory results. If this is the case, mgmt could be very confident with the information they hold even if is not 43-101 compliant


almost 13 years ago
A few questions

1) There was discussion a while back that there are likely confidentiality agreements in place. Would the firms that actually have this agreement know which other firms also have the agreements in place or is no one privvy to that and it is all secretive?

2) Do gold mining companies have guidelines or industry standards that they must satisfy with respect to number and frequency of drill results on a property before they can make an offer or is this left to the discretion of the management? If i was a shareholder of the company making an offer, i would want to be sure that adequate diligence and information was proven and demonstrateable.

3) If drill results come back and it supports the geophysical data (perhaps +/- 10-15% in area), would it be reasonable for SLI to go and punch another couple holes in the other anomolies to provide data on the gold grade and recieve an offer on that? or is that too risky?



almost 13 years ago
Re: Posting

Look at this weeks performance...

We are up 15-20%. Thats not too bad. Better than my other stocks or mutuals are doing.

The news will come whether people are upset or not. The AGM circular will come whether people are upset or not.

Have a whiskey and enjoy the weekend.

I am a believer and think good things are coming.


almost 13 years ago
Question regarding the release of sample results

Couple of questions...

I heard a while back that there may be non-disclosure agreements established with several firms. If this is the case, is it not unlikely that any sample results will be released? Wouldnt it be more likely that there will be an announcement of a dividend and the deal is in progress.

Also if there is a dividend issued to shareholders, do shareholders have an opportunity to vote on the value or does managment determine fair market value ?

almost 13 years ago
Getting ready

Hi all;

I would like to thank all who tirelessly contribute and donate hours of research and explanations.

I have a few comments that I would like some feedback on.

It would seem that SLI has several things to get in order before we would want the sample results to become public in order to get the largest increase in share value.

1) get SLI onto AMEX - there was discussion several months ago that this would take 4-6 months, but i thought we should be getting close. This would allow larger exposure.

2) protect the properties that SLI wants to keep safe from possible unwanted or low value purchases by also spinning off- this has started but what about the other Chance properties and Vilcoro.

3) trenching sampling results analyzed. - Will McEllaney analyze results and prepare a model.

4) all drill cores including the deep cores analyzed and entered into a model (which will not occur until Oct.) -

I am new to this, but would think all of these pieces in place would signicantly help us in the long run with the negotiation of Tesero.





about 13 years ago
S. G.
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