Silverlining's Profile

Silverlining's Posts

Re: Another Stupid Rumour

I found it helpful to look at the EAP process summary -

Gives you a better sense of where we are, ie compiling all the info required by the Application Information Requirements in order to submit the EA application. Good to know that Teck formally requested that it become the EA proponent. But how much is left to do to make the formal certificate application? Determine production rate?

over 10 years ago
Re: SP

Brave man/woman that shares their investment strategy in junior resource companies with their partner! LOL

almost 11 years ago
Re: Pumpers are gone

Healthy skepticism of any poster's motivations not a bad idea, but what's more useful is to examine the facts or point of view that someone brings to the discussion. Examine and validate the arguments for yourself. That's what dd is all about, isn't it? Posters like Vette, Webgogs, Chappy and many others helped those less experienced learn how to research investments like these. Just don't place your order based on the board's emotion of the day.

When I want to feel better about my investment in CUU I just look at a 3 or 5 year chart of a few resource companies. LSG? Ya, feel better seeing their price experience. CSI? Could of done better selling that one a while ago. PX? I could have bought at a buck! EAS? Crickey, mate, wtf happened there?! I'm sure we all have our stories that we follow. Point is, CUU is not alone. Explorers that have done well are the rare exception. These companies and others may have some life yet and their management have no more control over the market price than Elmer does.

What I do believe is that we have been significantly de-risked, Teck is spending cash on the project and I think they will make a decision not based on current metal prices, but on long-term projections. Sucks to wait, but I'll wait it out with the horse that brung me.


almost 11 years ago
Example of Teck back in decision

Teck took about 2 months to not exercise its option in the Pebble project with NDM in 2005 when it had 180 days to decide:

Different time, different project, but an example of Teck not needing all the time available to it to make a decision.

Hoping for less than 2 month decision this time around. Haven't sold a share. Bought couple of days ago at $0.84, a little too early as it turned out. Hoping it will just be a rounding error when all is said in done.


over 11 years ago
Re: Spike in Share Price to $1.13

"My response about not knowing anything was in regard to people speculating on a NR. I'm very familiar with the story, Ive had lunch with David MacDonald and traded the stock some time ago. I've heard it would be a ten bagger from MacDonald about 2 years ago. So far it hasnt worked out as it has been told. However, I know we are down to the short strokes so I bought today and that is what moved the price."

Must have been an interesting lunch with DM. Do you recall the share price at the time? 2 years ago about this time we were around $.80. That's a 10 bagger I could live with.

Over 500k traded today and we ended where we started. Interesting.

almost 12 years ago
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