Silverado1's Profile

Silverado1's Posts


This has to be the year, All the best to the longs that have patiently waited. Its our turn..k

over 12 years ago
Re: Cancana hires Zeeka for I.R.

Nice post Roumieu, gets me thinking again, things should be very good once we get the financing underway. Mn is on that steady increase and the demand for diamonds is continuing to grow. Time for this engines to be started.........k

almost 13 years ago

Roumieu, I agree with your calculations, looks very good. Thinking about our Mn claim. 13,000 hectares equates to 130 square kilometers. I don't think you would walk that in a day. K

about 13 years ago
Re: Wouldn't

Yes, it would be nice to have some consistent large news. We definately have had a lot of updates and company directions, nothing Earth shattering though. It sure would be nice to get some meat and potatoes news. It will come, I know. All the best to the Longs..K

over 13 years ago

it be nice, even just for a day or two or maybe a week, to see the Sellers (penny flippers) take their ask off the board. See what happens. Love to see the interested buyers start to work, to accumulate. Come on you guys, lets dry up the ask side. Well hopefully with our new consolidated price, some of the flippers will move on. Glad to see we're still holding our gains from yesterday, All the best

OK I know I'm dreaming, sure would be good though.......k

over 13 years ago

Yes HM looks like the stage is getting set RBC is also cleared the way Hoo ahh..k

over 13 years ago
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